[My face] Christian Queinnec

This is my official home page.

Where am I ?

École doctorale:
+33 1 44 27 22 69
Postal address:
École doctorale EDITE
Bureau A206
Maison de la pédagogie
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Case 168
4, place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05
Laboratory office:
bureau 300, 26-00
4, place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05
Main Email address:
yet another Email address:
FOAF information

Who am I ?

What am I doing ?

I have been contemplating the multiple facets of applicative languages since 1975 (see my very first paper on Lisp). That is, I study Lisp, Scheme and other related languages on a variety of aspects: implementation, compilation, interpretation, pattern matching, concurrency, distribution, garbage collection, object technology, reflection, macros, modules, continuations and pedagogy ... [Macro] [Module] [Interpretation] [Reflection] [Pattern Matching] [Object] [Garbage Collection] [Concurrency] [Distribution] [Compilation] [Continuation] [Great guided tour]

[Your choice?]

If more interested then ... roll up, roll up for the great guided tour!

My latter works:

Other links

This section allows you to quickly retrieve additional documents if you already know about them. The bibliography is an easy way to retrieve all my papers and associated programs.

It took me years to understand enough English to appreciate some Lisp puns!

$Id: Queinnec.html,v 1.76 2012/11/30 14:37:24 queinnec Exp $