%comment{Google Scholar: gs = {\ge 18}, gsdate = {2018-02-24}}

%comment{For bib2hal: use emacs control-c-atsign, or bibtool, to remove
%comment{atsign-String and atsign-Comment as defined in ./predef.bib and

%comment{Some entries incompatible with bib2hal, check atsign-Comment's!}

  Keywords =     {IntJournal | IntConf | BookOrChapter | IntOther |
                  FrJournal | FrConf | Other},  % type of venue
  doi =		 {},
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  x-europeanproject_id = lightkoneID,
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  x-keywords_en ={},
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  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =yes,
  x-reporttype = rr,
  x-filesource = author,
comment =	 {the following for PhDthesis; pdf also mandatory},
  x-director =	 {},
  x-title_en =	 {},
  x-title_fr =	 {},
  x-abstract_en ={},
  x-abstract_fr ={},
  type =	 {thesis}, comment{or HDR},
comment = {the following mine, for traceability},
  x-repository = {SVN repository path}
  hal =          {HAL url}



  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Mesaac Makpangou and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "The {SOS} object-oriented communication service",
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1988,
  type =         rr,
  number =       801,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        mar,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Philippe Gautron and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Two extensions to {C++}: A Dynamic Link Editor and
                 Inner data",
  gs = {20}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} Workshop",
  year =         1987,
  page =         "23--34", 
  organization = "USENIX",
  address =      "Berkeley, CA, USA",
  month =        nov,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1987},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Mesaac Makpangou and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "The {SOS} Object-Oriented Communication Service",
  gs = {20}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    "Proc.\ 9th Int.\ Conf.\ on Computer Communication",
  year =         1988,
  address =      "Tel Aviv, Israel",
  month =        "October--November",
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1988},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "The Design of a Distributed Object-Oriented Operating
                 System for Office Applications",
  booktitle =    "Proc.\ Esprit Technical Week 1988",
  year =         1988,
  address =      "Brussels, Belgium",
  month =        nov,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1988},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Laurence Mosseri",
  title =        "A simple object storage system",
  booktitle =    pos,
  year =         1989,
  pages =        "320--327",
  editor =       "J. Rosenberg",
  address =      "Newcastle NSW, Australia",
  month =        jan,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1989},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Le Narzul, Jean-Pierre and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Un Service de Nommage pour un Syst\`{e}me \`{a}
                  Objets R\'{e}partis",
  booktitle =    "Actes Convention Unix 89",
  year =         1989,
  pages =        "73--82",
  organization = "{AFUU}",
  address =      "Paris",
  month =        mar,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1989},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Le Narzul, Jean-Pierre and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Un Service de Nommage pour un Syst\`{e}me 
                  R\'{e}partis \`{a} Objets",
  booktitle =    "S\'{e}minaire Franco-Br\'{e}silien sur les
                  Syst\`{e}mes Informatiques R\'{e}partis",
  year =         1989,
  pages =        "127--133",
  organization = "LAAS and UFSC",
  address =      "Florianopolis, Brazil",
  month =        sep,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1989},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Philippe Gautron and Laurence Mosseri",
  title =        "Persistence and Migration for {C}++ Objects",
  gs = {94}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  editor =       "Stephen Cook",
  series =       "British Computer Society Workshop Series",
  pages =        "191--204",
  booktitle =    ecoop,
  year =         1989,
  organization = "The British Computer Society",
  publisher =    "Cambridge University Society",
  address =      "Nottingham, GB",
  month =        jul,
  hal =          {https://inria.hal.science/inria-00444611},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1989},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "V. Abrossimov and M. Rozier and M. Shapiro",
  title =        "Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels",
  institution =  "Chorus-Syst\`{e}mes",
  year =         1989,
  number =       "CS/TR-89-18",
  address =      "Montigny le Bretonneux {France}",
  month =        mar,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "V. Abrossimov and M. Rozier and M. Shapiro",
  title =        "Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels",
  gs = {160}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    sosp,
  year =         1989,
  pages =        "123--136",
  organization = acm,
  address =      "Litchfield Park AZ, USA",
  month =        dec,
  doi =          {10.1145/74850.74863},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/74850.74863},
  local-url =    {~/Prof/MyProduction/published/Generic VM mgt for OS Kernels Abrossimov SOSP-1989.pdf},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1989},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "{P}rototyping a distributed object-oriented {OS} on {U}nix",
  booktitle =    "W.\ on Experiences with Building Dist.\ 
                  and Multiprocessor Systems",
  year =         1989,
  editor =       "Eugene Spafford",
  organization = "USENIX",
  address =      "Ft.\ Lauderdale FL, USA",
  month =        oct,
  comment =      {Also available as Rapport de Recherche INRIA no. 1082},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1989},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Nuno Guimar{\~a}es",
  title =        "Software Integration in {SOMIW}: Goals,
                  Accomplishments, and Problems",
  booktitle =    {Esprit'89, 6th Annual Esprit Conf.},
  year =         1989,
  editor =       "{Commission of the European Communities}",
  publisher =    "North-Holland",
  month =        nov,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1989},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntJournal},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and  Yvon Gourhant and  Sabine Habert
                  and Laurence Mosseri and  Michel Ruffin and
                  C\'{e}line Valot",
  title =        "{SOS}: An Object-Oriented Operating System ---
                  Assessment and Perspectives",
  gs = {175}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  journal =      "Computing Systems",
  year =         1989,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "287--338",
  month =        dec,
  local-url =    {./papers/SOS_computing-systems--fall89.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SOS_computing-systems--fall89.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.usenix.org/publications/compsystems/1989/fall.html},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SOS_computing-systems--fall89.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Yvon Gourhant and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "{FOG/C++}: a Fragmented-Object Generator",
  gs = {40}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    "C++ Conference",
  year =         1990,
  pages =        "63--74",
  organization = "Usenix",
  address =      "San Francisco, CA, USA",
  month =        apr,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1990},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Yvon Gourhant and Sabine Habert and
                  Le Narzul, Jean-Pierre and Laurence Mosseri and
                  Michel Ruffin and C\'{e}line Valot",
  title =        "Un Bilan du Syst\`{e}me R\'{e}parti \`{a} objets {SOS}",
  gs = {20}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1990,
  type =         rr,
  number =       1242,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        may,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {FrJrnl},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Yvon Gourhant and Sabine Habert and
                  Le Narzul, Jean-Pierre and Laurence Mosseri and
                  Michel Ruffin and C\'{e}line Valot",
  title =        "Un Bilan du syst\`{e}me r\'{e}parti \`{a} objets {SOS}",
  journal =      "AFCET Interfaces",
  year =         1991,
  number =       "103/104",
  pages =        "46--53",
  month =        may,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  ntl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  fr,

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Olivier Gruber and David Plainfoss{\'e}},
  title =        "A garbage detection protocol for a realistic
                  distributed object-support system",
  gs = {80}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1990,
  type =         rr,
  number =       1320,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        nov,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

@comment{Not listed in pubs.html}
  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Object-Support Operating Systems",
  booktitle =    "Workshop on Operating Systems and Object Orientation
                  at ECOOP\slash OOPSLA 1990",
  year =         1990,
  address =      "Ottawa, Canada",
  month =        oct,
  x-conferencestartdate = {1990},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Object-Support Operating Systems",
  journal =      "Newsletter of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
                  Operating Systems and Application Environments",
  year =         1991,
  volume =       5,
  number =       1,
  pages =        "39--42",
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Distributed Object-Support Operating Systems and
                  Garbage Collection",
  booktitle =    "W.\ on Garbage Collection at ECOOP\slash OOPSLA 1990",
  year =         1990,
  address =      "Ottawa, Canada",
  month =        oct,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1990},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Mesaac Makpangou and Yvon Gourhant and Le Narzul,
                  Jean-Pierre and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Structuring Distributed Applications as Fragmented Objects",
  gs = {28}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1991,
  type =         rr,
  number =       1404,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        jan,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Soul: An Object-Oriented {OS} Framework for Object
  gs = {22}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    "W.\ on Operating Systems for the Nineties and Beyond",
  pages =        {251--255},
  year =         1991,
  editor =       {Arthur Karshmer and J{{\"u}}rgen Nehmer},
  volume =       1991,
  number =       563,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      "Dagstuhl Castle, Germany",
  month =        jul,
  publisher =    springer,
  doi =          {10.1007/BFb0024553},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BFb0024553},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1991},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {David Plainfoss{\'{e}} and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        "Un algorithme conservatif de d\'{e}tection des
                  miettes en milieu r\'{e}parti",
   pages =       "61--74",
  booktitle =    "Convention {U}nix 91",
  year =         1991,
  address =      "Paris",
  month =        mar,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1991},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =       "Mesaac Makpangou and Yvon Gourhant and Le Narzul,
                  Jean-Pierre and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Fragmented Objects for Distributed Abstractions",
  booktitle =    "Readings in Distributed Computing Systems",
  publisher =    "IEEE Computer Society Press",
  year =         1994,
  pages =        "170--186",
  editor =       "T. L. Casavant and M. Singhal",
  hal =          {https://inria.hal.science/inria-00444614},
  month =        jul,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = no,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "A Fault-Tolerant, Scalable, Low-Overhead Distributed Garbage
                  Detection Protocol",
  gs = {24}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    srds,
  year =         1991,
  address =      "Pisa, Italy",
  pages =        {208--217},
  month =        oct,
  doi =          {10.1109/RELDIS.1991.145426},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1991},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Makpangou, Mesaac and Gourhant, Yvon and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "{BOAR}: A Library of Fragmented Object Types for
                  Distributed Abstractions",
  gs = {18}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    iwooos,
  year =         1991,
  address =      "Palo Alto, CA {(USA)}",
  month =        oct,
  pages =        {164--168},
  doi =          {10.1109/IWOOOS.1991.183043},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1991},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  title =        iwooos,
  year =         1991,
  editor =       "Luis-Felipe Cabrera and Vince Russo and Marc Shapiro",
  publisher =    "IEEE Computer Society Press",
  organization = "IEEE",
  address =      {Palo Alto CA, USA},
  month =        oct,
  note =         "IEEE Computer Society Press Order Number 2265",
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = no,

@comment{not listed in pubs.html}
  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {David Plainfoss{\'{e}} and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        "Distributed Garbage Collection in the System is Good",
  crossref =     "iwooos91-p",
  pages =        "94--99",
  booktitle =    iwooos,
  year =         1991,
  month =        oct,
  doi =          {10.1109/IWOOOS.1991.183028},
  hal =          {https://inria.hal.science/inria-00444618},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1991},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Gestion R\'{e}partie de Fichiers",
  booktitle =    "Construction des Syst\`{e}mes d'Exploitation R\'{e}partis",
  publisher =    "INRIA",
  year =         1991,
  editor =       "Balter, R. and Ban\^{a}tre, J.-P. and Krakowiak, S.",
  number =       9,
  series =       "Collection Didactique",
  chapter =      6,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        apr,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-popularlevel = no,

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Syst\`{e}mes d'Objets R\'{e}partis",
  journal =      "Newsletter of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
                  Operating Systems and Application Environments",
  year =         1991,
  volume =       5,
  number =       2,
  pages =        "12--14",
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Gestion R\'{e}partie d'Objets",
  booktitle =    "Construction des Syst\`{e}mes d'Exploitation R\'{e}partis",
  publisher =    "INRIA",
  year =         1991,
  editor =       "Balter, R. and Ban\^{a}tre, J.-P. and Krakowiak, S.",
  number =       9,
  series =       "Collection Didactique",
  chapter =      7,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        apr,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-popularlevel = no,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Dickman, Peter and David Plainfoss{\'{e}}},
  title =        "Robust, Distributed References and Acyclic Garbage
  gs = {92}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  pages =        "135--146",
  note =         "Superseded by \cite{sor:nom:1083}: corrects a bug,
                  more elegant, more informative", gs = {sor:nom:1083 = 154},
  booktitle =    podc,
  year =         1992,
  organization = "ACM",
  address =      "Vancouver, Canada",
  month =        aug,
  doi =          {10.1145/135419.135448},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/135419.135448},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1992},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {David Plainfoss{\'{e}} and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        "Experience With a Fault-Tolerant Garbage Collector
                  in a Distributed {L}isp System",
  gs = {26}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  pages =        "116--133",
  booktitle =    intwkon # "Memory Management (IWMM)",
  year =         1992,
  address =      "Saint-Malo, France",
  month =        sep,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1992},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Maisonneuve, Julien and Marc Shapiro and Collet,
  title =        "Implementing References as Chains of Links",
  pages =        "236--243",
  booktitle =    iwooos,
  year =         1992,
  organization = ieeecs,
  publisher =    ieeecsp,
  address =      "Dourdan, France",
  month =        oct,
  doi =          {10.1109/IWOOOS.1992.252975},
  url =          {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/252975}
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1992},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Dickman, Peter and Makpangou, Mesaac and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Contrasting Fragmented Objects with Uniform
                  Transparent Object References for Distributed Programming",
  booktitle =    {5th } # sigopsew # {, on ``Models and Paradigms for Distributed Systems Structuring''},
  year =         1992,
  organization = sigops,
  publisher =    "IRISA, INRIA-Rennes",
  address =      "Mont Saint-Michel ({F}rance)",
  month =        sep,
  doi =          {10.1145/506378.506395},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/506378.506395},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1992},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Operating System Support for Distributed and
                  Persistent Objects",
  pages =        "202--205",
  booktitle =    "Proc.\ Int.\ Workshop on
                  Distributed Object Management",
  year =         1992,
  address =      "Edmonton ({C}anada)",
  month =        aug,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1992},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

%comment{See also obsolete conference version gc:rep:pan:981}
  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Dickman, Peter and David
  title =        "{SSP} Chains: Robust, Distributed References
                  Supporting Acyclic Garbage Collection",
  gs = {154}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1992,
  type =         rr,
  number =       1799,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        nov,
  local-url =    {./papers/SSPC_rr1799.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SSPC_rr1799.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SSPC_rr1799.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Flexible Bindings for Fine-Grain, Distributed Objects",
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1993,
  type =         rr,
  number =       2007,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        aug,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Distribution and Persistence in Multiple and
                  Heterogeneous Address Spaces",
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1993,
  type =         rr,
  number =       2016,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        sep,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  title =        {Distribution and Persistence in Multiple and
                  Heterogeneous Address Spaces},
  address =      {Asheville, NC, USA},
  author =       {Ferreira, Paulo and Shapiro, Marc},
  booktitle =    iwooos,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  doi =          {10.1109/IWOOOS.1993.324924},
  month =        dec,
  pages =        {83--93},
  publisher =    ieeecs,
  year =         1993,
  x-conferencestartdate = {1993},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Distribution and Persistence in Multiple and
                  Heterogeneous Address Spaces",
  pages =        "83--94",
  booktitle =    "Broadcast 1st Open Workshop",
  year =         1993,
  address =      "Newcastle, UK",
  month =        oct,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1993},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Julien Maisonneuve and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Implementing Efficient Indirections",
  booktitle =    "Broadcast 1st Open Workshop",
  year =         1993,
  address =      "Newcastle, England",
  month =        oct,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1993},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "A Binding Protocol for Distributed Shared Objects",
  gs = {78}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    icdcs,
  year =         1994,
  address =      "Poznan, Poland",
  month =        jun,
  pages =        {134--141},
  doi =          {10.1109/ICDCS.1994.302403},
  url =          {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel2/980/7460/00302403.pdf?tp=&arnumber=302403&isnumber=7460},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1994},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Garbage Collection of Persistent Objects in
                  Distributed Shared Memory",
  gs = {21}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  pages =        "176--191",
  booktitle =    pos,
  year =         1994,
  publisher =    springer,
  address =      "Tarascon, France",
  month =        sep,
  local-url =    {./papers/GC-PERS-DSM_POS94.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GC-PERS-DSM_POS94.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GC-PERS-DSM_POS94.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1994},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Garbage Collection and {DSM} Consistency",
  gs = {70}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  pages =        "229--241",
  booktitle =    osdi,
  year =         1994,
  publisher =    "ACM",
  address =      {Monterey CA, USA},
  month =        nov,
  local-url =    {./papers/GC-DSM-CONSIS_OSDI94.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/osdi/ferr.html},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GC-DSM-CONSIS_OSDI94.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GC-DSM-CONSIS_OSDI94.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1994},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and David Plainfoss{\'{e}} and
                  Paulo Ferreira and Amsaleg, Laurent},
  title =        "Some Key Issues in the Design of Distributed Garbage
                  Collection and References",
  booktitle =    "Unifying Theory and Practice in Distributed Systems",
  Year =         1994,
  address =      "Dagstuhl, Germany",
  month =        sep,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1994},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {David Plainfoss{\'{e}} and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        "A Distributed {GC} in an Object-Support Operating
  pages =        "221--229",
  booktitle =    iwooos,
  year =         1992,
  organization = ieeecs,
  publisher =    ieeecsp,
  address =      "Dourdan, France",
  month =        oct,
  doi =          {10.1109/IWOOOS.1992.252977},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1992},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Paulo Ferreira",
  title =        "Larchant-{RDOSS}: a Distributed Shared Persistent
                  Memory and its Garbage Collector",
  institution =  inria,
  year =         1994,
  type =         rr,
  number =       2399,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        nov,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Paulo Ferreira",
  title =        "Larchant-{RDOSS}: a Distributed Shared Persistent
                  Memory and its Garbage Collector",
  institution =  "Dept.\ of Comp.\ Sc., Cornell University",
  year =         1994,
  number =       "TR94-1466",
  address =      "Ithaca NY, USA",
  month =        nov,
  comment =      "Incomplete version ",
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro and Paulo Ferreira",
  title =        "Larchant-{RDOSS}: a Distributed Shared Persistent
                  Memory and its Garbage Collector",
  gs = {41}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    "W.\ on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG)",
  pages =        "198--214",
  year =         1995,
  editor =       {Jean-Michel H{\'e}lary and Michel Raynal},
  number =       972,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      "Le Mont Saint-Michel, France",
  month =        sep,
  publisher =    springer,
  local-url =    {./papers/LRDSPMGC_wdag95.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/LRDSPMGC_wdag95.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/LRDSPMGC_wdag95.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/BFb0022148},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BFb0022148},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1995},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Plainfoss{\'e}, David and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        "A Survey of Distributed Garbage Collection
  pages =        "211--249",
  booktitle =    "Second Closed BROADCAST Workshop",
  year =         1994,
  organization = "Broadcast Basic Research Action",
  address =      "Bruxelles, Belgique",
  month =        nov,
  hal =          {https://inria.hal.science/inria-00444635},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1994},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Plainfoss{\'e}, David and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        "A Survey of Distributed Garbage Collection Techniques",
  gs = {199}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    intwkon # "Memory Management (IWMM)",
  pages =        {211--249},
  year =         1995,
  editor =       {Henry G. Baker},
  volume =       986,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      "Kinross, Scotland, UK",
  month =        sep,
  publisher =    springer,
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SDGC_iwmm95.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/3-540-60368-9_26},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-60368-9_26},
  local-url =    {./papers/SDGC_iwmm95.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SDGC_iwmm95.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1995},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Summary of the 6th {SIGOPS} {E}uropean Workshop on
                  ``{M}atching {O}perating {S}ystems to {A}pplication
  journal =      "Operating Systems Review",
  year =         1995,
  volume =       29,
  number =       1,
  pages =        "47--51",
  month =        jan,
  url =          {https://dl.acm.org/authorize?N19698},
  url =          {https://doi.org/10.1145/202453.202462},
  doi =          {10.1145/202453.202462},
  url =          {ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/SOR/papers/1995/sigops94summary_OSR-jan95.pdf},
  pdf =          {ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/SOR/papers/1995/sigops94summary_OSR-jan95.pdf},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Garbage Collection in the {L}archant Persistent
                  Distributed Store",
  booktitle =    "W.\ on Future Trends in
                  Dist.\ Comp.\ Sys.\ (FTDCS)",
  year =         1995,
  address =      "Cheju Island, Republic of Korea",
  pages =        {461--467},
  month =        aug,
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00444637},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1995},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Amsaleg, Laurent and Paulo Ferreira and Franklin,
                  Michael and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Evaluating Garbage Collectors for Large Persistence Stores",
  booktitle =    {OOPSLA Workshop on Object Database Behavior,
                  Benchmarks, and Performance},
  year =         1995,
  address =      "Austin TX, USA",
  month =        oct,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1995},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Larchant: Persistence by Reachability in Distributed
                  Shared Memory through Garbage Collection",
  gs = {43}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
    booktitle =    icdcs,
  year =         1996,
  address =      "Hong Kong",
  month =        may,
  pages =        {394--401},
  doi =          {10.1109/ICDCS.1996.507987},
  local-url   =  {./papers/LPRDSMGC_icdcs96.pdf},
  url =          {https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDCS.1996.507987},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/LPRDSMGC_icdcs96.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00444639},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1996},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Sytse Kloosterman and Fabio Riccardi},
  title =        {{PerDiS} --- a Persistent Distributed Store for
                  Cooperative Applications},
  gs = {20}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    {Proc.\ 3rd Cabernet Plenary W.},
  year =         1997,
  address =      {Rennes, France},
  month =        apr,
  local-url =    {./papers/PPDSCA_cabernet97.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro//papers/PPDSCA_cabernet97.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro//papers/PPDSCA_cabernet97.pdf},
  url =          {http://research.cs.ncl.ac.uk/cabernet/www.laas.research.ec.org/cabernet/workshops/plenary/3rd-plenary-papers/14-kloosterman.html},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1997},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Fabrice le Fessant and Ian Piumarta and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {An implementation of complete, asynchronous, distributed
                  garbage collection}, 
  gs = {40}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    pldi,
  year =         1998,
  organization = {ACM SIGPLAN},
  address =      {Montreal, Canada},
  month =        jun,
  doi =          {10.1145/277650.277715},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/277650.277715},
  local-url  =   {./papers/ICADGC_pldi98.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/ICADGC_pldi98.pdf},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/ICADGC_pldi98.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/ICADGC_pldi98.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1998},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Modelling a Distributed Cached Store for Garbage
                  Collection: the algorithm and its correctness proof},
  gs = {17}, gsdate = {2018-10-12},
  booktitle =    ecoop,
  year =         1998,
  pages =        {234--259},
  editor =       {Eric Jul},
  volume =       1445,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      {Brussels, Belgium},
  month =        jul,
  publisher =    springer,
  doi =          {10.1007/BFb0054094},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BFb0054094},
  local-url =    {./papers/MDCSGC_ecoop98.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/MDCSGC_ecoop98.pdf},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/MDCSGC_ecoop98.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/MDCSGC_ecoop98.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1998},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro and Xavier Blondel and
                  Olivier Fambon and Jo{\^{a}}o Garcia and Sytse
                  Kloosterman and Nicolas Richer and Marcus Roberts and
                  Fadi Sandakly and George Coulouris and Jean Dollimore
                  and Paulo Guedes and Daniel Hagimont and Sacha
  title =        {{PerDiS}: design, implementation, and use of a
                  {PER}sistent {DI}stributed {S}tore},
  institution =  {QMW, CSTB, INRIA and INESC},
  year =         1998,
  number =       {QMW TR 752, CSTB ILC/98-1392, INRIA RR 3525, INESC
  month =        oct,
  local-url =    {./papers/PDIUPDS_rr3525.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/PDIUPDS_rr3525.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/PDIUPDS_rr3525.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Xavier Blondel and Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {{PerDiS PPF} Case Study: Fitting a Distributed Garbage
                Collection Algorithm to a Persistent Distributed Store 
  booktitle =    {OOPSLA'97 W.\ on Garbage Collection and Memory
  year =         1997,
  address =      {Atlanta GA, USA},
  month =        oct,
  local-url =    {./papers/PPCS_oopsla97.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/PPCS_oopsla97.pdf},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/PPCS_oopsla97.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1997},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Xavier Blondel and Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Implementing Garbage Collection in the {PerDiS} system",
  booktitle =    pos,
  year =         1998,
  month =        aug,
  local-url =    {./papers/IGCPS_pos8.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/IGCPS_pos8.pdf},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/IGCPS_pos8.pdf},
  address =      {Tiburon CA, USA},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1998},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  editor =       {Jacquart, Ren{\'e}},
  title =        {Informatiques, enjeux tendances et {\'e}volutions},
  booktitle =    {Informatiques, enjeux tendances et {\'e}volutions},
  chapter =      {Le partage d'informations dans les syst{\`e}mes
                  r{\'e}partis grande {\'e}chelle},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  publisher =    {Herm{\`e}s Science},
  year =         2000,
  volume =       19,
  number =       {1-2-3},
  series =       tsi,
  address =      {Paris},
  month =        jan,
  pages =        {455--462},
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-popularlevel = no,

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =       {Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro and Xavier Blondel and
                  Olivier Fambon and Jo{\~{a}}o Garcia and Sytse
                  Kloosterman and Nicolas Richer and Marcus Roberts and
                  Fadi Sandakly and George Coulouris and Jean Dollimore
                  and Paulo Guedes and Daniel Hagimont and Sacha Krakowiak},
  title =        {{PerDiS}: design, implementation, and use of a
                  {PER}sistent {DI}stributed {S}tore},
  gs = {69}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    {Recent Advances in Distributed Systems},
  publisher =    springer,
  year =         2000,
  editor =       {S. Krakowiak and S. K. Shrivastava},
  volume =       1752,
  series =       lncs,
  chapter =      18,
  pages =        {427--452},
  month =        feb,
  issn =         {0302-9743},
  doi =          {10.1007/3-540-46475-1_18},
  local-url =    {./papers/PDIUPDS_lncs1752.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/PDIUPDS_lncs1752.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.springerlink.com/content/vmptt4r5k418udvy/},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/PDIUPDS_lncs1752.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = no,

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and le Fessant, Fabrice and Paulo Ferreira},
  title =        {Recent Advances in Distributed Garbage Collection},
  gs = {19}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    {Recent Advances in Distributed Systems},
  publisher =    springer,
  year =         2000,
  editor =       {S. Krakowiak and S. K. Shrivastava},
  volume =       1752,
  series =       lncs,
  chapter =      5,
  pages =        {104--126},
  month =        feb,
  doi =          {10.1007/3-540-46475-1_5},
  local-url =    {./papers/RAIDGC_lncs1752.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RAIDGC_lncs1752.pdf},
  url  =         {http://www.springerlink.com/content/11xn227wnvhn0972/},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RAIDGC_lncs1752.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = no,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Paulo Ferreira and Nicolas Richer},
  title =        {Experience with the {PerDiS} large-scale data-sharing
  booktitle =    pos,
  year =         2000,
  editor =       {G.N.C. Kirby and A. Dearle and D.I.K. Sj{\o}berg},
  volume =       2135,
  series =       lncs,
  pages =        {57--71},
  address =      {Lillehammer, Norway},
  month =        sep,
  publisher =    springer,
  doi =          {10.1007/3-540-45498-5_6},
  local-url =    {./papers/EwPLSDSM_pos2000.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/EwPLSDSM_pos2000.pdf},
  url  =         {http://www.springerlink.com/content/d36fcmt3x9l4vd5l/},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/EwPLSDSM_pos2000.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2000},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Antony Rowstron and Anne-Marie Kermarrec},
  title =        {Application-independent reconciliation for nomadic
  gs = {25}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    sigopsew # { ``Beyond the PC:
                  New Challenges for the Operating System''},
  year =         2000,
  address =      {Kolding, Denmark},
  month =        sep,
  organization = sigops,
  local-url =    {./papers/sigops-ew-2000-logmerge.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/sigops-ew-2000-logmerge.pdf},
  url  =         {https://dl.acm.org/authorize?N19696},
  url =          {https://doi.org/10.1145/566726.566728},
  doi =          {10.1145/566726.566728},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2000},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Antony Rowstron and Marc
                  Shapiro and Peter Druschel},
  title =        {The {I}ce{C}ube approach to the reconciliation of
                  divergent replicas}, 
  gs = {245}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    podc,
  year =         2001,
  address =      {Newport, RI, USA},
  month =        aug,
  organization = {ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS},
  publisher =    {ACM Press},
  doi =          {10.1145/383962.384020},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/383962.384020},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/podc2001.pdf},
  local-url =    {./papers/podc2001.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/podc2001.pdf},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2001},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nicolas Richer},
  title =        {The memory behavior of the {WWW}, or: The {WWW}
                  considered as a persistent store},
  booktitle =    pos,
  year =         2000,
  editor =       {G.N.C. Kirby and A. Dearle and D.I.K. Sj{\o}berg},
  volume =       2135,
  series =       lncs,
  pages =        {169--184},
  address =      {Lillehammer, Norway},
  month =        sep,
  publisher =    springer,
  doi =          {10.1007/3-540-45498-5_14},
  local-url =    {./papers/EwPLSDSM_pos2000.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/EwPLSDSM_pos2000.pdf},
  url  =         {http://www.springerlink.com/content/0910jg1ffpyj038w/},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/EwPLSDSM_pos2000.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2000},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Yasushi Saito and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Replication: Optimistic Approaches},
  gs = {68}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  {Hewlett-Packard Laboratories},
  year =         2002,
  number =       {HPL-2002-33},
  month =        mar,
  url  =         {http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2002/HPL-2002-33.html},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro and Caroline Matheson},
  title =        {Efficient semantics-aware reconciliation for optimistic write sharing},
  gs = {27}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  {Microsoft Research},
  year =         2002,
  number =       {MSR-TR-2002-52},
  address =      {Cambridge, UK},
  month =        may,
  url  =         {http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=66956},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Fabrice le Fessant and Ian Piumarta and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {A detection algorithm for distributed cycles of garbage},
  booktitle =    {OOPSLA W.\ on Garbage Collection and Memory Management},
  year =         1997,
  address =      {Atlanta, GA, USA},
  month =        oct,
  local-url =    {./papers/DADCG_gcmm97.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/DADCG_gcmm97.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/DADCG_gcmm97.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1997},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
   author =      {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro and J. Legatheaux Martins},
   title =       {{SqlIceCube}: Automatic Semantics-Based Reconciliation
                  for Mobile Databases},
   institution = {Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Dep.\ Inform{\'{a}}tica, FCT},
   year =        2003,
   number =      {TR-02-2003 DI-FCT-UNL},
   url  =        {http://asc.di.fct.unl.pt/~nmp/pubs/tr-di-2003-2.pdf},
   pdf =         {http://asc.di.fct.unl.pt/~nmp/pubs/tr-di-2003-2.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro and Caroline Matheson},
  title =        {Semantics-based reconciliation for collaborative and
                  mobile environments},
  gs = {89}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    coopis,
  year =         2003,
  pages =        {38--55},
  volume =       2888,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      {Catania, Sicily, Italy},
  month =        nov,
  publisher =    springer,
  local-url =    {./papers/coopis-2003.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/coopis-2003.pdf},
  url =          {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-39964-3_5},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/coopis-2003.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-540-39964-3_5},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2003},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Yasushi Saito and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Optimistic Replication},
  institution =  {Microsoft Research},
  year =         2003,
  number =       {MSR-TR-2003-60},
  month =        oct,
  url  =         {ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tr/tr-2003-60.pdf},
  pdf =          {ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tr/tr-2003-60.pdf},
  note =         {Refer to rep:syn:1500 instead},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro and J. {Legatheaux
  title =        {Automating semantics-based reconciliation for mobile 
  booktitle =    cfse,
  pages =        {515--524},
  year =         2003,
  address =      {La-Colle-sur-Loup, France},
  month =        oct,
  local-url =    {./papers/SQLIceCube_cfse2003.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SQLIceCube_cfse2003.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SQLIceCube_cfse2003.pdf},
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2003},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and James O'Brien},
  title =        {Rufis: mobile data sharing using a generic
                  constraint-oriented reconciler},
  gs = {19}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    {Conf.\ on Mobile Data Management},
  year =         2004,
  address =      {Berkeley, CA, USA},
  month =        jan,
  pages =        {146--151},
  local-url  =   {./papers/mdm-2004-final.pdf},
  url  =         {https://doi.org/10.1109/MDM.2004.1263052},
  doi =          {10.1109/MDM.2004.1263052},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/mdm-2004-final.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2004},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Karthikeyan Bhargavan},
  title =        {The {A}ctions-{C}onstraints approach to replication:
                  Definitions and proofs},
  institution =  {Microsoft Research},
  year =         2004,
  number =       {MSR-TR-2004-14},
  month =        mar,
  url  =         {ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tr/TR-2004-14.pdf},
  pdf =          {ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tr/TR-2004-14.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Youssef Hamadi and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Pushing log-based reconciliation},
  journal =      {Int.\ J.\ on Artif.\ Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)},
  year =         2005,
  volume =       14,
  number =       {3--4},
  pages =        {445--458},
  month =        jun,
  local-url =    {./papers/ijait05Log.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/ijait05Log.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1142/S0218213005002193},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218213005002193},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/ijait05Log.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Karthikeyan Bhargavan and Yek Chong and
                  Youssef Hamadi},
  title =        {A formalism for consistency and partial replication},
  institution =  {Microsoft Research},
  year =         2004,
  number =       {MSR-TR-2004-58},
  address =      {Cambridge, UK},
  month =        jun,
  url  =         {ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tr/TR-2004-58.pdf},
  pdf =          {ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tr/TR-2004-58.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {James O'Brien and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Undo for anyone, anywhere, anytime},
  booktitle =    sigopsew,
  year =         2004,
  address =      {Leuven, Belgium},
  month =        sep,
  doi =          {10.1145/1133572.1133579},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1133572.1133579},
  local-url =    {./papers/Joyce_Sigops_EW-2004.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Joyce_Sigops_EW-2004.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Joyce_Sigops_EW-2004.pdf},
  organization = sigops,
  x-conferencestartdate = {2004},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {James O'Brien and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {An Application Agnostic Replication System for
                  Ubiquitous Computing},
  institution =  {Microsoft Research Cambridge},
  year =         2004,
  number =       {MSR-TR-2004-64},
  month =        jul,
  url  =         {https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tr-2004-64.pdf},
  pdf =          {https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tr-2004-64.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Karthikeyan Bhargavan and Nishith Krishna},
  title =        {A Constraint-based Formalism for Consistency in
                  Replicated Systems},
  gs = {44}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    opodis,
  year =         2004,
  number =       3544,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      {Grenoble, France},
  month =        dec,
  pages =        {331--345},
  local-url  =   {./papers/opodis2004-final-2004-10-30.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/11516798_24},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11516798_24},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/opodis2004-final-2004-10-30.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/opodis2004-final-2004-10-30.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2004},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
Group =          {replication+consistency},
  author =       {Yasushi Saito and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Optimistic Replication},
  gs = {902}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  journal =      acmcs,
  year =         2005,
  volume =       37,
  number =       1,
  pages =        {42--81},
  month =        mar,
  doi  =         {10.1145/1057977.1057980},
  url  =         {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1057977.1057980},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Optimistic_Replication_Computing_Surveys_2005-03_cameraready.pdf},
  local-url =    {./papers/Optimistic_Replication_Computing_Surveys_2005-03_cameraready.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Optimistic_Replication_Computing_Surveys_2005-03_cameraready.pdf},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,

%comment Unpublished{rep:1505,
%comment   author =       {Nishith Krishna and Marc Shapiro and Karthikeyan Bhargavan},
%comment   title =        {Exploring the consistency problem space},
%comment   note =         {Submitted PODC 2005},
%comment   month =        mar,
%comment   year =         2005,
%comment   local-url =    {~/Prof/MyProduction/submitted+unpublished/Exploring the consistency problem space rejected-podc-2005.pdf},
%comment   x-language  =  en,
%comment }

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Nishith Krishna and Marc Shapiro and Karthikeyan
  title =        {Brief announcement: Exploring the Consistency Problem
  booktitle =    podc,
  pages =        {168--168},
  year =         2005,
  address =      {Las Vegas, Nevada, USA},
  month =        jul,
  organization = {ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS},
  doi =          {10.1145/1073814.1073845},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1073814.1073845},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2005},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{{\c c}}a and Carlos Baquero and Legatheaux
                  Martins, Jose and Marc Shapiro and S{\'e}rgio
                  Almeida, Paulo and Henrique Domingos and Victor Fonte and
                  S{\'e}rgio Duarte},
  title =        {{FEW}: File Management for Portable Devices},
  booktitle =    {Int.\ W.\ on Software Support for Portable Storage},
  year =         2005,
  address =      {San Francisco, CA, USA},
  month =        mar,
  local-url =    {./papers/FEW_File_Management_for_Portable_Devices_IWSSPS.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/FEW_File_Management_for_Portable_Devices_IWSSPS.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/FEW_File_Management_for_Portable_Devices_IWSSPS.pdf},
  url  =         {http://asc.di.fct.unl.pt/few/papers/few-iwssps2005.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://asc.di.fct.unl.pt/few/papers/few-iwssps2005.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2005},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Yolande Berbers and Willy Zwaenepoel and Tim Harris},
  title =        {Systems research, education and industry in {E}urope},
  howpublished = {Text submitted to the {E}uropean {C}ommission},
  not          = {Text submitted to the {E}uropean {C}ommission},
  month =        jun,
  year =         2005,
  local-url  =   {./papers/Systems_research,_education_and_industry_in_Europe.pdf},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Systems_research,_education_and_industry_in_Europe.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Systems_research,_education_and_industry_in_Europe.pdf},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = yes,

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nishith Krishna},
  title =        {The three dimensions of data consistency},
  booktitle =    {Journ{\'e}es Francophones sur la Coh{\'e}rence des
                  Donn{\'e}es en Univers R{\'e}parti (CDUR)},
  pages =        {54--58},
  year =         2005,
  address =      {CNAM, Paris, France},
  month =        nov,
  local-url  =   {./papers/cdur2005.pdf},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/cdur2005.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/cdur2005.pdf},
  hal =          {https://inria.hal.science/inria-00444797},
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2005},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Vafeiadis, Viktor and Herlihy, Maurice and Hoare, Tony
                  and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Proving Correctness of Highly-Concurrent Linearisable Objects},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2005,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {RR-5716},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        oct,
  url  =         {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5716.html},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Vafeiadis, Viktor and Herlihy, Maurice and Hoare, Tony
                  and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Proving Correctness of Highly-Concurrent Linearisable Objects},
  gs = {113}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    ppopp,
  year =         2006,
  address =      {New York, USA},
  month =        mar,
  pages =        {129--136},
  local-url =    {./papers/PPoPP-2006-listRG.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/PPoPP-2006-listRG.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/1122971.1122992},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1122971.1122992},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro//papers/PPoPP-2006-listRG.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2006},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {James O'Brien and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {An Application Framework for Collaborative, Nomadic
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2005,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {RR-5745},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        nov,
  url  =         {http://www.inria.fr/rrrt/rr-5745.html},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Karthikeyan Bhargavan and Yek Chong and
                  Youssef Hamadi}, 
  title =        {Brief Announcement: A formalism for consistency and
                  partial replication},
  booktitle =    disc,
  year =         2004,
  editor =       {Rachid Guerraoui},
  address =      {Trippenhuis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands},
  month =        oct,
  volume =       {3274/2004},
  ISBN =         {0302-9743},
  pubisher =     springer,
  series =       lncs,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2004},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Yasushi Saito},
  title =        {Scaling Optimistic Replication},
  booktitle =    {W.\ on Future Directions in Distributed Computing
                  ({FuDiCo} 2002): Research and Position Papers},
  pages =        {164--168},
  year =         2002,
  month =        jun,
  editor =       {A. Schiper and A. A. Shvartsman and H. Weatherspoon
                  and B. Y. Zhao},
  volume =       2584,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      {Bertinoro, Forl{\`i}, Italy},
  publisher =    springer,
  url  = 
  doi =          {10.1007/3-540-37795-6_30},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2002},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {FrJrnl},
  author =       {Isabelle Demeure and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Num{\'e}ro sp{\'e}cial sur la M{\'e}moire
                  Partag{\'e}e R{\'e}partie},
  journal =      tsi,
  year =         1997,
  month =        dec,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  ntl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  fr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Ayache, J. M. and B. Carrichon and M. Devy and M. Diaz
                  and B. Potin and M. Shapiro",
  title =        "A distributed control system for industrial plants",
  booktitle =    "Euromicro 80 Conference",
  address =      {London, United Kingdom},
  month =        sep, year = 1980,
  x-conferencestartdate = {1980},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

%comment{Not accepted by bib2hal, complains about missing PDF!}

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Une m{\'e}thode de conception progressive des
                  syst{\`e}mes parall{\`e}les utilisant le langage C.S.P.",
  school =       "Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse,
  year =         1980,
  address =      {Toulouse, France},
  month =        sep,
  type =         "Th{\`e}se de Docteur-Ing{\'e}nieur",
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-director =   {Michel Diaz},
  x-language  =  fr, 
  x-title_en =   {A refinement methodology for the design of parallel
                  systems using the CSP language},
  x-abstract_fr = {XX},
  x-abstract_en = {XX},
  x-keywords_fr = {syst{\`e}mes parall{\`e}les, CSP, conception de syst{\`e}me},
  x-keywords_en = {parallel systems, CSP, system design},
  x-filesource = author,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
    author =     "Ayache, J.M. and B. Carrichon and J.P. Courtiat and M.
              Diaz and B. Potin and M. Shapiro",
        title =  "Fault Tolerance in {R}ebus, a Distributed System for
                  Industrial Real Time Control", 
    booktitle =  "Symp.\ on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-11)",
    address =    "Portland, Maine, USA",
    month =      jun, year = 1981,
  x-conferencestartdate = {1981},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
    author =     "Guy Bernard and Pierre Bouchet and Thierry Fleury and
              Marc Shapiro and de Talhouet, Yves",
        title =  {Micror{\'{e}}zo\,: le projet r{\'{e}}seau local du {Centre
    booktitle =  "1983 World Conference on Systems",
    address =    "Caracas, Venezuela",
    date =       jul,
    year =       1983,
    x-conferencestartdate = {1983},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
    author =     "Marc Shapiro",
        title =  {Une proposition pour {M}icror{\'{e}}zo\,: {G}irolle, un protocole
             d'appel de proc{\'{e}}dure distante},
    booktitle =  {``G{\'{e}}nie Logiciel\,: le second souffle\,?'',
                 Journ{\'{e}}es Bigre 1983},
    address =    {Le Cap d'Agde, France},
    month =      oct,
    year =       1983,
    x-conferencestartdate = {1983},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "The contributions of an object-oriented approach to
                  the programming of distributed applications",
  editor =       "Jean B{\'e}zivin and Pierre Cointe",
  number =       37,
  series =       "BIGRE",
  pages =        "149--159",
  booktitle =    "Journ{\'e}e d'{\'E}tude sur les Langages
                  Orient{\'e}s Objet",
  year =         1983,
  organization = "AFCET-Informatique",
  address =      "Le Cap d'Agde, France",
  month =        oct,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1983},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Les tendances de l'{\'e}volution des syst{\`e}mes 
  booktitle =    "Conf{\'e}rences techniques, Convention Unix 90",
  year =         1990,
  organization = "AFUU",
  publisher =    "AFUU",
  address =      "Paris",
  month =        mar,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1990},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = yes,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {FrJrnl},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Les tendances de l'{\'e}volution des syst{\`e}mes 
  journal =      "{IX-M}agazine",
  year =         1991,
  volume =       6,
  number =       41,
  month =        mar,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  ntl, 
  x-popularlevel = yes,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  fr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {James O'Brien and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {An Application Framework for Nomadic, Collaborative
  booktitle =    {Int.\ Conf.\ on Dist.\ App.\ and Interop.\ Sys.\ (DAIS)},
  pages =        {48--63},
  year =         2006,
  address =      {Bologna, Italy},
  month =        jun,
  organization = {IFIP WG 6.1},
  doi =          {10.1007/11773887_4},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11773887_4},
  local-url  =   {./papers/Joyce_DAIS-2006.pdf},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Joyce_DAIS-2006.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Joyce_DAIS-2006.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2006},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Peter Druschel and Rebecca Isaacs and Thomas Gross and
                  Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Fostering {S}ystems Research in {E}urope},
  institution =  {{EuroSys}, the European Professional Society in Systems},
  year =         2006,
  type =         {White Paper},
  month =        apr,
  url  =         {http://www.eurosys.org/whitepaper-2006/},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Structure and Encapsulation in Distributed Systems:
                 the {P}roxy {P}rinciple",
  booktitle =    icdcs,
  gs = {457}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  pages =        "198--204",
  year =         1986,
  address =      {Cambridge, MA, USA},
  month =        May,
  organization = "{IEEE}",
  local-url =    {./papers/SEDSPP_icdcs86.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SEDSPP_icdcs86.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00444651},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1986},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Shapiro, Marc",
  title =        "{SOS}: a distributed Object-Oriented Operating System",
  gs = {21}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    sigopsew # { on ``Making Distributed Systems Work{''}},
  year =         1986,
  address =      "Amsterdam, the Netherlands",
  month =        sep,
  organization = sigops,
  doi =          {10.1145/503956.503997},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503956.503997},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1986},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {FrJrnl},
  author =       "Shapiro, Marc and Abrossimov, Vadim and Gautron, Philippe
                  and Habert, Sabine and Makpangou,
        Mesaac Mounchili",
  title =        "{SOS}~: un syst\`{e}me d'exploitation r\'{e}parti bas\'{e}
                 sur les objets",
  journal =      tsi,
  year =         1987,
  volume =       6,
  number =       2,
  pages =        "166--169",
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  fr,

  Keywords =     {FrJrnl},
  author =       "Marc Shapiro",
  title =        "Le service d'appel de proc\'{e}dure distante {G}irolle",
  journal =      tsi,
  year =         1984,
  volume =       3,
  number =       6,
  pages =        "435--442",
  month =        dec,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  fr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       "Shapiro, Marc",
  title =        "An Experiment in Distributed Program Design, Using
                 Control Enrichment",
  booktitle =    icdcs,
  year =         1982,
  address =      "Miami-Ft.\ Lauderdale {FL}, USA",
  month =        Oct,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1982},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {La gestion des objets dans les syst{\`e}mes r{\'e}partis de grande {\'e}chelle},
  school =       {Universit{\'e} Paris VI --- Pierre et Marie Curie},
  year =         2002,
  type =         {Habilitation {\`a} diriger des recherches},
  address =      {Paris, France},
  month =        nov,
  local-url  =   {./habilitation/},
  url  =         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/habilitation/},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/habilitation/shabilo.pdf},
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-director =   {Claude Girault},
  x-language  =  en, 
  x-title_en =   {Object management in large-scale distributed systems},
  x-title_fr =   {La gestion des objets dans les syst{\`e}mes r{\'e}partis de grande {\'e}chelle},
  x-abstract_fr = {XX},
  x-abstract_en = {XX},
  x-keywords_en = {object management, large-scale distributed systems},
  x-keywords_fr = {gestion d'objets, syst{\`e}mes r{\'e}partis de grande
  x-filesource =   author,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Domains and dynamic loading: reconciling autonomy and
  booktitle =    sigopsew # { on ``Autonomy or interdependence in
                  distributed systems?''},
  year =         1988,
  month =        sep,
  address =      {Cambridge, UK},
  organization = sigops,
  doi =          {10.1145/504092.504127},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/504092.504127},
  local-url =    {./papers/Domains_and_dynamic_loading_reconciling_autonomy_and_integration_EW-1988.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Domains_and_dynamic_loading_reconciling_autonomy_and_integration_EW-1988.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1988},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

%comment Misc{loo:1563,
%comment   note =         {see sh125},
%comment }

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {What's wrong with us?},
  journal =      {Distributed Systems Online},
  publisher =    {IEEE},
  year =         2006,
  volume =       7,
  number =       5,
  month =        may,
  note =         {Art.\ no.\ 0506-o5003},
  doi =          {10.1109/MDSO.2006.34},
  url  =         {http://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/ds/2006/05/o5003.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/ds/2006/05/o5003.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = yes,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Pierre Sutra and Jo{\~{a}}o Barreto and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {An asynchronous, decentralised commitment protocol for
                  semantic optimistic replication},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2006,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {6069},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        dec,
  pages =        {21},
  local-url =    {./papers/RR-6069.pdf},
  url  =         {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00120734},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-6069.pdf},
  hal  =         {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00120734},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Jo{{\~a}}o Barreto and Paulo Ferreira and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Exploiting our computational surroundings for better
                  mobile collaboration},
  booktitle =    intconfon # {Mobile Data Management (MDM)},
  year =         2007,
  pages =        {110--117},
  address =      {Mannheim, Germany},
  local-url =    {./papers/DecoupledConsistency-MDM-2007.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/DecoupledConsistency-MDM-2007.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1109/MDM.2007.24},
  url =          {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=4417131},
  month =        may,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2007},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Ignat, Claudia  and  Oster, G{\'e}rald  and  Molli, Pascal
                  and  Cart, Mich{\`e}le  and  Ferri{\'e}, Jean  and
                  Kermarrec, Anne-Marie  and Sutra, Pierre  and
                  Shapiro, Marc  and 
                  Benmouffok, Lamia  and  Busca, Jean-Michel  and
                  Guerraoui, Rachid},
  title =        {A Comparison of Optimistic Approaches to Collaborative
                  Editing of {W}iki Pages},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2007,
  type =         {Research Report},
  number =       {RR-6278},
  month =        sep,
  hal  =         {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00169395},
  hal  =         {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00169395},
  annote =       {see 1596},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Pierre Sutra and Jo{{\~a}}o Barreto and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Decentralised Commitment for Optimistic Semantic
  booktitle =    coopis,
  year =         2007,
  address =      {Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal},
  month =        nov,
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-540-76848-7_21},
  local-url =    {./papers/sutra-barreto-shapiro-coopis40.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/sutra-barreto-shapiro-coopis40.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.springerlink.com/content/u126126582647jmx/},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2007},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       {Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Comparing Optimistic Database Replication Techniques},
  booktitle =    {Bases de Donn{\'e}es Avanc{\'e}es (BDA)},
  year =         2007,
  address =      {Marseille, France},
  local-url =    {./papers/sutra-shapiro-bda2007.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/sutra-shapiro-bda2007.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/sutra-shapiro-bda2007.pdf},
  month =        oct,
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2007},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia  and  Oster, G{\'e}rald  and
                  Molli, Pascal 
                  and  Cart, Mich{\`e}le  and  Ferri{\'e}, Jean  and
                  Kermarrec, Anne-Marie  and Sutra, Pierre  and
                  Shapiro, Marc  and 
                  Benmouffok, Lamia  and  Busca, Jean-Michel  and
                  Guerraoui, Rachid},
  title =        {A Comparison of Optimistic Approaches to Collaborative
                  Editing of {W}iki Pages},
  gs = {34}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    intconfon # {Collaborative Comp.: Networking, Apps.\ and
                  Worksharing (CollaborateCom)}, 
  year =         2007,
  number =       3,
  address =      {White Plains, NY, USA},
  month =        nov,
  local-url =    {./papers/comparison-wiki-collaboratecom-2007.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/comparison-wiki-collaboratecom-2007.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1109/COLCOM.2007.4553878},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/COLCOM.2007.4553878},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/comparison-wiki-collaboratecom-2007.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2007},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a},
  title =        {Designing a commutative replicated data type},
  gs = {43}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  Institution =  inria,
  year =         2007,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {RR-6320},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        oct,
  local-url =    {./papers/Commutative-Replicated-Data-Type-RR-6320_2007-10.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Commutative-Replicated-Data-Type-RR-6320_2007-10.pdf},
  hal  =         {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00177693/},
  hal  =         {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00177693/},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Commutative-Replicated-Data-Type-RR-6320_2007-10.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Lamia Benmouffok and Jean-Michel Busca and Marc
  title =        {Semantic Middleware for Designing Collaborative
                  Applications in Mobile Environment}, 
  booktitle =    {Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Apps.\ W.\
  year =         2007,
  pages =        {58--61},
  address =      {Magdeburg, Germany},
  month =        sep,
  local-url =    {./papers/benmouffok-busca-minema-2007.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/benmouffok-busca-minema-2007.pdf},
  url =          {https://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/41541/1/MiNEMA_Magdeburg_proceedings_final.pdf},
  x-conferencestartdate = 2007,
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Fault-Tolerant Partial Replication in Large-Scale
                  Database Systems},
  comment =      {replaced by sh127},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2008,
  type =         rr,
  number =       6440,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        feb,
  hal =          {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00232662/en/},
  url =          {http://arxiv.org/abs/0802.0137v2},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Practical proofs of concurrent programs},
  booktitle =    {Int.\ Conf.\ on Functional Programming (ICFP)},
  year =         2006,
  pages =        {123--123},
  address =      {Portland, Oregon, USA},
  month =        sep,
  organization = {ACM Sigplan},
  publisher =    acm,
  note =         {Invited Talk},
  doi =          {10.1145/1159803.1159819},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1159803.1159819},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2006},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = yes,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Binding should be flexible in a distributed system},
  booktitle =    iwooos,
  year =         1993,
  pages =        {216--217},
  address =      {Asheville, NC, USA},
  month =        dec,
  publisher =    ieeecs,
  doi =          {10.1109/IWOOOS.1993.324900},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1993},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Benmouffok, Lamia  and  Busca, Jean-Michel  and
                  Manuel Marqu{\`e}s, Joan  and  Shapiro, Marc  and  Sutra,
                  Pierre  and  Tsoukalas, Georgios},
  title =        {Telex: Principled System Support for Write-Sharing in
                  Collaborative Applications}, 
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2008,
  type =         rr,
  number =       6546,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        may,
  local-url =    {./papers/Telex-principled-RR-6546-2008-06.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Telex-principled-RR-6546-2008-06.pdf},
  hal =          {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00281329/en/},
  url =          {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00281329/en/},
  note =         {Use \cite{rep:sh133} instead!},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Fault-Tolerant Partial Replication in Large-Scale
                  Database Systems},
  gs = {22}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    europar,
  year =         2008,
  pages =        {404--413},
  address =      {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain},
  month =        aug,
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-540-85451-7_44},
  local-url =    {./papers/Fault-Tolerant-Partial-Replication-in-Large-Scale-Database-Systems_Sutra_Shapiro_EuroPar-2008.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.springerlink.com/content/g667712123656274/},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Fault-Tolerant-Partial-Replication-in-Large-Scale-Database-Systems_Sutra_Shapiro_EuroPar-2008.pdf},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2008},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro and J. Legatheaux
  title =        {Designing a commutative replicated data type for
                  cooperative editing systems},
  institution =  {Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Dep.\ Inform{\'{a}}tica, FCT},
  year =         2008,
  number =       {TR-02-2008 DI-FCT-UNL},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

%comment{"See 2017 version: rep:syn:sh194"}
  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
Group =          {papers},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Optimistic Replication and Resolution},
  booktitle =    EnDBSys,
  note =         {Online and print},
  publisher =    springer,
  year =         2009,
  month =        oct,
  editor =       {{\"O}zsu, M. Tamer and Liu, Ling},
  local-url =    {./papers/optimistic-replication-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2009.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/optimistic-replication-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2009.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+%26+information+retrieval/book/978-0-387-49616-0},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/optimistic-replication-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2009.pdf},
  x-proceedings = yes,
  x-editorial-board = {yes},
  x-audience    = intl,
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  comment =      {This entry is published in the Encyclopedia
                  of Database Systems by Springer.  The Encyclopedia,
                  under the editorial guidance of Ling Liu and M. Tamer
                  {\"O}zsu, is a multiple volume, comprehensive,
                  and authoritative reference on databases, data
                  management, and database systems. Since it is
                  available in both print and online formats,
                  researchers, students, and practitioners benefit
                  from advanced search functionality and convenient
                  interlinking possibilities with related online
                  content.  The Encyclopedia's online version is
                  accessible on the platform SpringerLink.},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = yes,

%comment{"See 2017 version: rep:syn:sh192"}
  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
Group =          {papers},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Bettina Kemme},
  title =        {Eventual Consistency},
  booktitle =    EnDBSys,
  note =         {Online and print},
  publisher =    springer,
  year =         2009,
  month =        oct,
  editor =       {{\"O}zsu, M. Tamer and Liu, Ling},
  local-url =    {./papers/eventual-consistency-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2009.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/eventual-consistency-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2009.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+%26+information+retrieval/book/978-0-387-49616-0},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/eventual-consistency-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2009.pdf},
  x-proceedings = yes,
  x-editorial-board = {yes},
  x-audience    = intl,
  x-pays =       {CA},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
comment =        {This entry is published in the Encyclopedia
                  of Database Systems by Springer.  The Encyclopedia,
                  under the editorial guidance of Ling Liu and M. Tamer
                  {\"O}zsu, is a multiple volume, comprehensive,
                  and authoritative reference on databases, data
                  management, and database systems. Since it is
                  available in both print and online formats,
                  researchers, students, and practitioners benefit
                  from advanced search functionality and convenient
                  interlinking possibilities with related online
                  content.  The Encyclopedia's online version is
                  accessible on the platform SpringerLink.},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = yes,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Joan Manuel Marqu{\`e}s and
                  Marc Shapiro and Mihai Le{\c t}ia},
  title =        {A commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing},
  gs = {168}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    icdcs,
  year =         2009,
  pages =        {395--403},
  address =      {Montr{\'e}al, Canada},
  month =        jun,
  local-url =    {./papers/icdcs09-treedoc.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1109/ICDCS.2009.20},
  url =          {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDCS.2009.20},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/icdcs09-treedoc.pdf},
  x-proceedings = yes,
  x-editorial-board = {yes},
  x-audience    = intl,
  x-pays =       {PT, ES},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2009},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Joan Manuel Marqu{\`e}s and
                  Marc Shapiro and Mihai Le{\textcommabelow{t}}ia},
  title =        {A commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing},
  booktitle =    icdcs,
  year =         2009,
  pages =        {395--403},
  address =      {Montr{\'e}al, Canada},
  month =        jun,
  doi =          {10.1109/ICDCS.2009.20},
  url =          {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDCS.2009.20},
  local-url =    {./papers/icdcs09-treedoc.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/icdcs09-treedoc.pdf},
  x-proceedings = yes,
  x-editorial-board = {yes},
  x-audience    = intl,
  x-pays =       {PT, ES},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2009},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Mihai Le{\c t}ia and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a
                  and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {{CRDTs}: Consistency without concurrency control},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2009,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {RR-6956},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        jun,
  local-url =    {./papers/RR-6956.pdf},
  hal =          {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00397981/},
  url =          {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00397981/},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-6956.pdf},
  x-pays =       {PT, ES},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       {Lamia Benmouffok and Jean-Michel Busca and Joan Manuel
                  Marqu{\`e}s and  Marc Shapiro and Pierre Sutra and
                  Georgios Tsoukalas},
  title =        {Telex: A Semantic Platform for Cooperative Application
  booktitle =    cfse,
  year =         2009,
  address =      {Toulouse, France},
  month =        sep,
  local-url =    {./papers/Telex-CFSE-2009.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Telex-CFSE-2009.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Telex-CFSE-2009.pdf},
  x-proceedings = yes,
  x-editorial-board = yes,
  x-international-audience = yes,
  x-pays =       {GR, ES},
  comment =      {NAT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2009},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

%% ``Le{\textcommabelow{t}}ia'' REQUIRES \usepackage[latin10]{inputenc}

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  title =        {Consistency without concurrency control in large,
                  dynamic systems},
  author =       {Mihai Le{\c t}ia and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a
                  and Marc Shapiro},
  journal =      osr,
  year =         2010,
  volume =       44,
  number =       2,
  pages =        {29--34},
  month =        apr,
  doi =          {10.1145/1773912.1773921},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1773912.1773921},
  publisher =    acm,
  address =      {New York, NY, USA},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  title =        {Consistency without concurrency control in large,
                  dynamic systems},
  author =       {Mihai Le{\textcommabelow{t}}ia and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a
                  and Marc Shapiro},
  journal =      osr,
  year =         2010,
  volume =       44,
  number =       2,
  pages =        {29--34},
  month =        apr,
  doi =          {10.1145/1773912.1773921},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1773912.1773921},
  publisher =    acm,
  address =      {New York, NY, USA},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Mihai Le{\c t}ia and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a
                  and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Consistency without concurrency control in large,
                  dynamic systems},
  booktitle =    {{SOSP} W.\ on Large Scale Distributed Systems and
                  Middleware (LADIS)},
  year =         2009,
  volume =       44,
  number =       2,
  series =       osr,
  pages =        {29--34},
  address =      {Big Sky, MT, USA},
  month =        oct,
  organization = sigops,
  publisher =    acm,
  doi =          {10.1145/1773912.1773921},
  local-url =    {./papers/LS-consistency-ladis-2009.pdf},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1773912.1773921},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/LS-consistency-ladis-2009.pdf},
  x-proceedings = yes,
  x-editorial-board = yes,
  x-international-audience = yes,
  x-pays =       {PT},
  comment =      {INT LIP6 REGAL},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2009},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

%% hal-00476885, version 2
%% http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00476885/en/

%comment{use rep:pan:sh142 instead}
@Comment @TechReport{rep:pan:sh135,
@Comment   Keywords =     {Other},
@Comment   author =       {{S}utra, {P}ierre and {S}hapiro, {M}arc},
@Comment   title =        {{F}ast {G}enuine {G}eneralized {C}onsensus},
@Comment   institution =  inria,
@Comment   year =         2010,
@Comment   type =         rr,
@Comment   number =       {???},
@Comment   address =      rocq,
@Comment   month =        may,
@Comment   local-url =    {./papers/SutraShapiroFastGenuineGeneralizedConsensus.pdf},
@Comment   pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SutraShapiroFastGenuineGeneralizedConsensus.pdf},
@Comment   hal =          {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00476885},
@Comment   url =          {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00476885},
@Comment   pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SutraShapiroFastGenuineGeneralizedConsensus.pdf},
@Comment   x-language  =  en,
@Comment   x-reporttype = rr,
@Comment }

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {R{\'e}plication\,: les approches optimistes (conf.\
  booktitle =    {Journ{\'e}es Bases de Donn{\'e}es Avanc{\'e}es (BDA)},
  year =         2002,
  editor =       {Philippe Pucheral},
  address =      {{\'E}vry, France},
  month =        oct,
  note =         {Invited Talk},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2002},
  x-audience  =  ntl,
  x-language  =  fr,
  x-invitedcommunication = yes,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Jonathan Michaux and Xavier Blanc and Pierre Sutra and
                  Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {A Semantically Rich Approach for Collaborative Model
  booktitle =    {Symp.\ on Applied Computing (SAC)},
  year =         2011,
  volume =       26,
  pages =        {1470--1475},
  address =      {TaiChung, Taiwan},
  month =        mar,
  organization = {ACM SIGAPP},
  publisher =    acm,
  local-url =    {./papers/SAC2011-Cpraxis_wholePaper.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/1982185.1982500},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1982185.1982500},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SAC2011-Cpraxis_wholePaper.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01248198},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2011},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Carlos Baquero
                  and Marek Zawirski},
  title =        {A comprehensive study of {C}onvergent and {C}ommutative
                  {R}eplicated {D}ata {T}ypes},
  gs = {204}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2011,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {7506},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        jan,
  hal =          {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00555588/},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Comprehensive-CRDTs-RR7506-2011-01.pdf},
  local-url =    {./papers/Comprehensive-CRDTs-RR7506-2011-01.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/treedoc-src/papers/crdt-portfolio-design-RR-7506+PODC-reject_2011-01/techreport.tex}

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       {Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {R{\'e}solution efficace du consensus
                  g{\'e}n{\'e}ralis{\'e} dans les syst{\`e}mes
                  r{\'e}partis par passage de messages},
  booktitle =    {Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques
                  des T{\'e}l{\'e}communications (AlgoTel)},
  year =         2011,
  address =      {Cap Est{\'e}rel, France},
  month =        may,
  local-url =    {./papers/Resolution efficace du consensus generalise_Algotel-2011.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Resolution%20efficace%20du%20consensus%20generalise_Algotel-2011.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Resolution%20efficace%20du%20consensus%20generalise_Algotel-2011.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00586591},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2011},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {FrConf},
  author =       {Marek Zawirski and Marc Shapiro and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a},
  title =        {Asynchronous rebalancing of a replicated tree},
  booktitle =    cfse,
  year =         2011,
  pages =        12,
  address =      {Saint-Malo, France},
  month =        may,
  local-url =    {./papers/Asynch rebalancing of a replicated tree Zawirski-CFSE-2011.pdf},
  url =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Asynch%20rebalancing%20of%20a%20replicated%20tree%20Zawirski-CFSE-2011.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Asynch%20rebalancing%20of%20a%20replicated%20tree%20Zawirski-CFSE-2011.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01248197},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2011},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keyword =      {Unpublished},
  author =       {Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro and Marek Zawirski},
  title =        {Position paper: CRDTs for large-scale incremental processing},
  howpublished = {\url{http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/crdt+dataflow_submitted-2011-06.pdf}},
  note =         {Position Paper},
  month =        {jun},
  year =         2011,
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = no,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  comment =      {FGGC},
  author =       {Sutra, Pierre and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {{F}ast {G}enuine {G}eneralized {C}onsensus},
  gs = {18}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    srds,
  year =         2011,
  address =      {Madrid, Spain},
  month =        oct,
  pages =        {255--264},
  local-url =    {./papers/FGGC-SRDS-2011.pdf},
  url =          {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6076784},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/FGGC-SRDS-2011.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1109/SRDS.2011.38},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932839},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2011},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Carlos Baquero
                  and Marek Zawirski},
  title =        {Conflict-free Replicated Data Types},
  gs = {376}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    sss,
  year =         2011,
  editor =       {Xavier D{\'e}fago and Franck Petit and V. Villain},
  volume =       6976,
  series =       lncs,
  pages =        {386--400},
  address =      {Grenoble, France},
  month =        oct,
  publisher =    springer,
  local-url =    {./papers/CRDTs_SSS-2011.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/CRDTs_SSS-2011.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-642-24550-3_29},
  url =          {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24550-3_29},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932836},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2011},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/treedoc-src/papers/SSS-2011}
  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Carlos Baquero
                  and Marek Zawirski},
  title =        {Conflict-free Replicated Data Types},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2011,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {RR-7687},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        jul,
  hal =          {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00609399/en/},
  url =          {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00609399/en/},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-7687.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Carlos Baquero and
                  Marek Zawirski},
  title =        {Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types},
  gs = {112}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  journal =      beatcs,
  year =         2011,
  number =       104,
  pages =        {67--88},
  month =        jun,
  local-url =    {./papers/CRDTs-beatcs-2011-06.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.eatcs.org/images/bulletin/beatcs104.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/CRDTs-beatcs-2011-06.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932833},
  comment =      {BEATCS},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/treedoc-src/papers/crdt-portfolio-design-RR-7506+PODC-reject_2011-01/beatcs-2011.tex}

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Gidra, Lokesh and Thomas, Ga{\"e}l and Sopena,
                  Julien and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Assessing the scalability of garbage collectors on
                  many cores},
  gs = {35}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  journal =      {Best papers from PLOS'11, SIGOPS Oper.\ Sys.\ 
                  Review (OSR)},
  year =         2011,
  volume =       45,
  number =       3,
  pages =        {15--19},
  month =        dec,
  local-url =    {./papers/GC-scalability_PLOS-2011-10.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GC-scalability_PLOS-2011-10.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2094091.2094096},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2094091.2094096},
  publisher =    acm,
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932831},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Gidra, Lokesh and Thomas, Ga{\"e}l and Sopena, Julien
                  and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Assessing the Scalability of Garbage Collectors on
                  Many Cores},
  booktitle =    {SOSP W.\ on Prog.\ Lang.\ and Op.\ Sys.\ (PLOS)},
  year =         2011,
  local-url =    {./papers/GC-scalability_PLOS-2011-10.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GC-scalability_PLOS-2011-10.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2039239.2039249},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2039239.2039249},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932818},
  pages =        {7:1--7:5},
  address =      {Cascais, Portugal},
  month =        oct,
  publisher =    acm,
  x-conferencestartdate = {2011},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Pierre Sutra and Marc
  title =        {Impossibility of Genuine Replicated {STM} under {SI}},
  booktitle =    {W.\ on the Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM)},
  year =         2011,
  address =      {Rome, Italy (in conjunction with DISC 2011)},
  month =        sep,
  local-url =    {./papers/Impossibility_of_Genuine_Replicated_STM_under_SI-WTTM-2011.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Impossibility_of_Genuine_Replicated_STM_under_SI-WTTM-2011.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932809},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2011},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {SOS: a distributed object-oriented operating system},
  booktitle =    sigopsew # {on ``Making Distributed Systems Work''},
  series =       sigopsew,
  year =         {1986},
  month =        sep,
  address =      {Amsterdam, the Netherlands},
  pages =        {1--3},
  doi =          {10.1145/503956.503997},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503956.503997},
   hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01248236},
 publisher =    {ACM},
  x-conferencestartdate = {1986},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 


  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Sutra, Pierre and
                  Pregui{\c c}a, Nuno and Shapiro,
  title =        {{N}on-{M}onotonic {S}napshot {I}solation},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2011,
  type =         rr,
  number =       7805,
  address =      rocq,
  month =        nov,
  local-url =    {./papers/NMSI-ICDCS-2011-11-RR-7805.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/NMSI-ICDCS-2011-11-RR-7805.pdf},
  url =          {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00643430/en/},
  hal =          {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00643430/en/},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

%comment Unpublished{rep:syn:sh148,
%comment   author =       {Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Sutra, Pierre and
%comment                   Pregui{\c c}a, Nuno and Shapiro,
%comment                   Marc},
%comment   title =        {{N}on-{M}onotonic {S}napshot {I}solation},
%comment   note =         {Submitted for publication},
%comment   month =        nov,
%comment   year =         2011,
%comment   x-language  =  en,
%comment }

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Marek Zawirski and Pierre
                  Sutra and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {The Space Complexity of Transactional Interactive
  booktitle =    intwkon # {Hot Topics in Cloud Data Processing
  year =         2012,
  address =      {Bern, Switzerland},
  month =        apr,
  pages =        {4:1--4:5},
  local-url =    {./papers/interactive-reads-HotCDP-2012.pdf},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2169090.2169094},
  doi =          {10.1145/2169090.2169094},
  publisher =    acm,
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/interactive-reads-HotCDP-2012.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932803},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2012},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Annette Bieniusa and Marek Zawirski and Nuno Pregui{\c
                  c}a and Marc Shapiro and Carlos Baquero and Valter
                  Balegas and S{\'e}rgio Duarte},
  title =        {Brief Announcement: Semantics of Eventually Consistent
                  Replicated Sets},
  gs = {27}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    disc,
  year =         2012,
  editor =       {Aguilera, Marcos K.},
  volume =       7611,
  series =       lncs,
  pages =        {441--442},
  address =      {Salvador, Bahia, Brazil},
  month =        oct,
  publisher =    springer,
  local-url =    {./papers/semantics-sets-BA-DISC-2012.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/semantics-sets-BA-DISC-2012.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-642-33651-5_48},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33651-5_48},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00769554},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2012},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/treedoc-src/papers/disc-2012/main-brief-semantics.tex},

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Annette Bieniusa and Marek Zawirski and Nuno 
                  Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro and Carlos Baquero and Valter
                  Balegas and S{\'e}rgio Duarte},
  title =        {An Optimized Conflict-free Replicated Set},
  gs = {36}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2012,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {RR-8083},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        oct,
  local-url =    {./papers/RR-8083.pdf},
  hal =          {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00738680},
  url =          {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00738680},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-8083.pdf},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/treedoc-src/papers/disc-2012/RR-8083.tex},

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Pierpaolo Cincilla and S{\'e}bastien Monnet and Marc
  title =        {Gargamel: boosting {DBMS} performance by parallelising
                  write transactions},
  booktitle =    intconfon # {Parallel and Dist.\ Sys.\ (ICPADS)},
  year =         2012,
  pages =        {572--579},
  address =      {Singapore},
  month =        dec,
  organization = ieeecs,
  local-url =    {papers/gargamel-ICPADS-2012.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1109/ICPADS.2012.83},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICPADS.2012.83},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/gargamel-ICPADS-2012.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932795},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2012},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Lokesh Gidra and Ga{\"e}l Thomas and Julien Sopena and
                  Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {A Study of the Scalability of Stop-the-world Garbage
                  Collectors on Multicores},
  gs = {49}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    asplos,
  year =         2013,
  pages =        {229--240},
  address =      {Houston, TX, USA},
  month =        mar,
  publisher =    acm,
  local-url =    {./papers/multicoreGC-asplos-2013.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2499368.2451142},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2499368.2451142},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/multicoreGC-asplos-2013.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00868012},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2013},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {David Navalho and S{\'e}rgio Duarte and Nuno Pregui{\c
                  c}a and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Incremental Stream Processing using {C}omputational
                  {C}onflict-free {R}eplicated {D}ata {T}ypes},
  booktitle =    intwkon # {Cloud Data and Platforms (CloudDP)},
  year =         2013,
  pages =        {31--36},
  address =      {Prague, Czech Republic},
  month =        apr,
  local-url =    {./papers/computational-CRDTs-CloudDP-2013.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2460756.2460762},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2460756.2460762},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/computational-CRDTs-CloudDP-2013.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932788},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2013},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Sutra, Pierre and Shapiro,
                  Marc and Pregui{\c c}a, Nuno},
  title =        {On the Scalability of Snapshot Isolation},
  gs = {20}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    europar,
  year =         2013,
  editor =       {Wolf, Felix and Mohr, Bernd and Mey, Dieter},
  volume =       8097,
  series =       lncs,
  pages =        {369--381},
  address =      {Aachen, Germany},
  month =        aug,
  publisher =    springer,
  local-url =    {./papers/scalability-SI-EuroPar-2013.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/scalability-SI-EuroPar-2013.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-642-40047-6_39},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40047-6_39},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/scalability-SI-EuroPar-2013.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932781},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2013},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Pierre Sutra and Marc
  title =        {{N}on-{M}onotonic {S}napshot {I}solation: scalable and
                  strong consistency for geo-replicated transactional
  gs = {61}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    srds,
  year =         2013,
  pages =        {163--172},
  address =      {Braga, Portugal},
  month =        oct,
  organization = ieeecs,
  local-url =    {./papers/NMSI-SRDS-2013.pdf},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SRDS.2013.25},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/NMSI-SRDS-2013.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1109/SRDS.2013.25},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932758},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2013},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/regal/trunk/papers/2013/msaeida/SRDS2013/paper.tex}

%comment{See also rep:sh162}
  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Bettina Kemme and Ganesan Ramalingam and Andr{\'e}
                  Schiper and Marc Shapiro and Kapil Vaswani},
  title =        {Consistency in Distributed Systems ({D}agstuhl Seminar
  pages =        {92--126},
  journal =      {Dagstuhl Reports},
  ISSN =         {2192-5283},
  year =         2013,
  volume =       3,
  number =       2,
  editor =       {Bettina Kemme and Ganesan Ramalingam and Andr{\'e}
                  Schiper and Marc Shapiro and Kapil Vaswani},
  publisher =    {Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik},
  address =      {Dagstuhl, Germany},
  local-url =    {./papers/dagstuhl-consistency-2013-02.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/dagstuhl-consistency-2013-02.pdf},
  doi =          {10.4230/DagRep.3.2.92},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.4230/DagRep.3.2.92},
  url =          {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2013/4014},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00932737},
  annote =       {Keywords: Replication, Consistency, Strong
                  Consistency, Weak Consistency, Distributed Systems,
                  Distributed Algorithms},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-language  =  en,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Maia, Felipe and Ara{\'u}jo, Rafael and Muniz, Luiz
                  Carlos and Zirtany, Rayrone and Coutinho, Luciano and
                  Vale, Samyr and Silva, Francisco Jos{\'e} and Cincilla,
                  Pierpaolo and Chabbouh, Ikram and Monnet, S{\'e}bastien
                  and Arantes, Luciana and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {A Grid Based Distributed Cooperative Environment for
                  Health Care Research},
  booktitle =    {Foundations of Health Information Engineering and
                  Systems (FHIES)},
  year =         2012,
  month =        aug,
  editor =       {Weber, Jens and Perseil, Isabelle},
  volume =       7789,
  series =       lncs,
  pages =        {142--150},
  address =      {Paris, France},
  publisher =    springer,
  local-url =    {./papers/ecadeg_accepted-FHIES-2012.pdf},
  url =          {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-39088-3_9},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/ecadeg_accepted-FHIES-2012.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-642-39088-3_9},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00932708},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2012},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes, 

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marek Zawirski 
                  and Annette Bieniusa
                  and Valter Balegas 
                  and S{\'e}rgio Duarte 
                  and Carlos Baquero
                  and Marc Shapiro 
                  and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a},
  title =        {{S}wift{C}loud: Fault-Tolerant Geo-Replication Integrated
                  all the Way to the Client Machine},
  gs = {39}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2013,
  type =         rr,
  number =       {RR-8347},
  address =      rocq,
  month =        aug,
  local-url =    {./papers/SwiftCloud-RR-8347.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SwiftCloud-RR-8347.pdf},
  url =          {http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/1310.3107},
  hal =          {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00870225/},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Mahsa Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro and Valter Balegas
                  and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a},
  title =        {Improving the scalability of geo-replication with
  booktitle =    {ACM SIGCOMM } # intwkon # {Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC)},
  year =         2013,
  address =      {Dresden, Germany},
  month =        dec,
  local-url =    {./papers/escrow-DCC-2013.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro//papers/escrow-DCC-2013.pdf},
  url =          {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6809446},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00932657},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2013},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Valter Balegas and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and S{\'e}rgio
                  Duarte and Carla Ferreira and Rodrigo Rodrigues and
                  Mahsa Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {The Case for Fast and Invariant-Preserving Geo-Replication},
  booktitle =    wkon # {Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems (W-PSDS)},
  year =         2014,
  month =        oct,
  address =      {co-located with SRDS, Nara, Japan},
  local-url =    toappear,
  doi =          {10.1109/SRDSW.2014.30},
  url =          {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7000128},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01109107},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2014},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

%comment{See also rep:sh157}
  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Kemme, Bettina and Schiper, Andr{\'e} and Ramalingam,
                  Ganesan and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Dagstuhl Seminar Review: Consistency in Distributed
  gs = {17}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  journal =      sigact-news,
  volume =       45,
  number =       1,
  month =        mar,
  year =         2014,
  issn =         {0163-5700},
  pages =        {67--89},
  local-url =    {./papers/Dagstuhl-SIGACT-DC-col53-Mar14.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Dagstuhl-SIGACT-DC-col53-Mar14.pdf},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2596583.2596601},
  doi =          {10.1145/2596583.2596601},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01109111},
  publisher =    acm,
  address =      {New York, NY, USA},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,

% also LADIS 2014: Exploring the spectrum of strongly-consistent transactional protocols
  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Masoud Saeida Ardekani and Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {{G-DUR}: A Middleware for Assembling, Analyzing, and
                  Improving Transactional Protocols},
  booktitle =    middleware,
  year =         2014,
  pages =        {13--24},
  month =        dec,
  address =      {Bordeaux, France},
  local-url =    {./papers/GDUR-Middleware-2014.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GDUR-Middleware-2014.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2663165.2663336},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2663165.2663336},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01109114},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2014},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/regal/trunk/papers/2014/msaeida/Middleware2014/paper.tex}

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Pierpaolo Cincilla and S{\'e}bastien Monnet and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Multi-site {G}argamel: Optimistic Synchronization for
                  Reliable Geo-Replicated Databases},
  booktitle =    wkon # {Middleware for Next Gen.\ Internet
                  Comp.\ (MW4NG)},
  note =         {Co-located with Middleware Conf.},
  year =         2014,
  month =        dec,
  address =      {Bordeaux, France},
  local-url =    {papers/multi-gargamel-MW4NG-2014-12.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/multi-gargamel-MW4NG-2014-12.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2676733.2676737},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2676733.2676737},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01105053},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2014},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Lokesh Gidra and Ga{\"e}l Thomas and Julien Sopena and
                  Marc Shapiro and Nhan Nguyen},
  title =        {{NumaGiC}: a garbage collector for big data on big
                  {NUMA} machines},
  gs = {32}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    asplos,
  year =         2015,
  pages =        {661--673},
  address =      {Istanbul, Turkey},
  month =        mar,
  publisher =    acm,
  local-url =    {./papers/NumaGiC- a Garbage Collector for Big Data on Big NUMA Machines_ASPLOS-2015.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2694344.2694361},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2694344.2694361},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01178790},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/regal/trunk/papers/2015/lokesh/asplos2015/main.tex},

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  title =        {Principles of Distributed Systems},
  year =         2014,
  booktitle =    {18th } # opodis # { 2014},
  editor =       {Aguilera, Marcos K. and Querzoni, Leonardo and Shapiro, Marc},
  volume =       8878,
  series =       lncs,
  address =      {Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy},
  month =        dec,
  publisher =    springer,
  doi =          {10.1007/978-3-319-14472-6},
  url =          {http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-14472-6},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01109118},

  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = no,

% also presented at LADIS 2014
  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Valter Balegas and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Rodrigo Rodrigues
                  and S{\'e}rgio Duarte and Carla Ferreira and Mahsa
                  Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Putting Consistency back into Eventual Consistency},
  gs = {57}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    eurosys,
  year =         2015,
  month =        apr,
  pages =        {6:1--6:16},
  address =      {Bordeaux, France},
  local-url =    {./papers/putting-consistency-back-EuroSys-2015.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/putting-consistency-back-EuroSys-2015.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2741948.2741972},
  url =          {https://doi.org/10.1145/2741948.2741972},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01248191},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  note =         {Indigo},
  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Valter Balegas and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Rodrigo Rodrigues
                  and S{\'e}rgio Duarte and Carla Ferreira and Mahsa
                  Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Putting the Consistency back into Eventual Consistency},
  booktitle =    ladis,
  year =         2014,
  month =        apr,
  address =      {Cambridge, UK},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01109719},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2014},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,   

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro and Saeida-Ardekani, Masoud and Pierre Sutra},
  title =        {Exploring the spectrum of strongly-consistent
                  transactional protocols}, 
  booktitle =    ladis,
  year =         2014,
  month =        oct,
  address =      {Cambridge, UK},
  url =          {http://ladisworkshop.org/node/10},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01109740},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2014},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no, 

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Balegas, Valter and Duarte, S{\'e}rgio and Ferreira,
                  Carla and Rodrigues, Rodrigo and Pregui\c{c}a, Nuno
                  and Najafzadeh, Mahsa and Shapiro, Marc}, 
  title =        {Towards Fast Invariant Preservation in Geo-replicated Systems},
  journal =      osr,
  note =         {Selected Papers from LADIS 2014 Eighth Workshop on
                  Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware},
  year =         2015,
  volume =       49,
  number =       1,
  pages =        {121--125},
  month =        jan,
  local-url =    {~/Literature/CRDTs/Towards Fast Invariant Preservation in Geo-replicated Systems LADIS-2014-Balegas.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2723872.2723889},
  url =          {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2723872.2723889},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01111206},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-language  =  en,
  repository =   {https://projectos.fct.unl.pt/svn/di-di95/papers/OSR15},

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Tyler Crain and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Designing a causally consistent protocol for
                  geo-distributed partial replication},
  booktitle =    papoc,
  year =         2015,
  editor =       {Carlos Baquero and Marco Serafini},
  series =       {co-located with EuroSys 2015},
  month =        apr,
  address =      {Bordeaux, France},
  organization = sigops,
  publisher =    acm,
  local-url =    {papers/causal+partial-replication_PaPOC-2015.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/causal+partial-replication_PaPOC-2015.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2745947.2745953},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2745947.2745953},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01218204},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  repository  =  {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/mixed-replication/PaPoC2015},

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Tomsic, Alejandro Z. and Tyler Crain and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {An empirical perspective on causal consistency},
  booktitle =    papoc,
  year =         2015,
  editor =       {Carlos Baquero and Marco Serafini},
  series =       {co-located with EuroSys 2015},
  month =        apr,
  address =      {Bordeaux, France},
  organization = sigops,
  publisher =    acm,
  local-url =    {./papers/causal-empirical_PaPOC 2015.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/causal-empirical_PaPOC 2015.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2745947.2745949},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2745947.2745949},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01248189},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  repository =  {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/causal-study/PaPoc-2015},

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Vinh Tao and Marc Shapiro and Vianney Rancurel},
  title =        {Merging Semantics for Conflict Updates in
                  Geo-Distributed File Systems},
  booktitle =    systor,
  year =         2015,
  pages =        {10.1--10.12},
  month =        may,
  address =      {Haifa, Israel},
  local-url =    {./papers/geodistr-FS-Systor-2015.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/geodistr-FS-Systor-2015.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2757667.2757683},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2757667.2757683},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01248190},
  publisher =    acm,
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  repository =   {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/regal/trunk/papers/2015/vinh/Systor2015},

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Reddy Malikireddy, Dastagiri and Saeida Ardekani,
                  Masoud and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Emulating Geo-Replication on {G}rid'5000},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2014,
  type =         {Technical Report},
  number =       {RT-455},
  address =      parisrocq,
  month =        aug,
  local-url =    {./papers/RT-455.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RT-455.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01149185},
  url =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01149185},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,
  repository =   {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/regal/trunk/papers/2014/msaeida/DastagiriReport},

%comment{"See also rep:pan:sh177"}

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Zawirski, Marek and Pregui{\c c}a, Nuno and Duarte,
                  S{\'e}rgio and Bieniusa, Annette and Balegas, Valter
                  and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Write Fast, Read in the Past: Causal Consistency for
                  Client-side Applications},
  institution =  inria,
  year =         2015,
  type =         {Research Report},
  number =       {RR-8729},
  address =      parisrocq,
  month =        may,
  local-url =    {./papers/SwiftCloud-extended-RR-8729.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/SwiftCloud-extended-RR-8729.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01158370},
  url =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01158370},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,
  repository =   {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/concordant/papers/write-fast-read-in-past-middleware-2015/RR-8729}

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Valter Balegas and Diogo Serra and S{\'e}rgio Duarte
                  and Carla
                  Ferreira and Marc Shapiro and Rodrigo Rodrigues
                  and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a},
  title =        {Extending Eventually Consistent Cloud Databases for
                  Enforcing Numeric Invariants}, 
  booktitle =    srds,
  year =         2015,
  pages =        {31--36},
  month =        sep,
  address =      {Montr{\'e}al, Canada},
  organization = ieeecs,
  publisher =    ieeecs,
  comment =      {Short paper},
  local-url =    {papers/numeric-invariants-SRDS-2015.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/numeric-invariants-SRDS-2015.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1109/SRDS.2015.32},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SRDS.2015.32},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01248192},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = yes,
  repository   = {https://projectos.fct.unl.pt/svn/di-di95/papers/SRDS15},

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Alejandro Z. Tomsic and Tyler Crain and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Scaling geo-replicated databases to the {MEC} environment},
  booktitle =    wkon # {Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems},
  year =         2015,
  month =        sep,
  address =      {Montr{\'e}al, Canada},
  note =         {Co-located with SRDS.  No proceedings.},
  local-url =    {papers/Scaling geo-replicated databases to the MEC environment.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Scaling geo-replicated databases to the MEC environment.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01248195},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings  = no,
  repository   = {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/mobile-edge-computing}

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =       {Zawirski, Marek and Pregui{\c c}a, Nuno and Duarte,
                  S{\'e}rgio and Bieniusa, Annette and Balegas, Valter
                  and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =        {Write Fast, Read in the Past: Causal Consistency for
                  Client-side Applications},
  gs = {46}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =    middleware,
  year =         2015,
  pages =        {75--87},
  month =        dec,
  address =      {Vancouver, BC, Canada},
  organization = {ACM/IFIP/Usenix},
  local-url =    {./papers/write-fast-read-past-middleware-2015.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/write-fast-read-past-middleware-2015.pdf},
  doi =          {10.1145/2814576.2814733},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2814576.2814733},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/write-fast-read-past-middleware-2015.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01248194},
  x-conferencestartdate = {2015},
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-invitedcommunication = no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-proceedings = yes, 
  repository    = {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/concordant/papers/write-fast-read-in-past-middleware-2015},
  comment =       {SwiftCloud Middleware},

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =       {Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Bringing the cloud closer to users},
  Journal =      {EU Research},
  year =         2015,
  volume =       2015,
  number =       1,
  pages =        {68--69},
  month =        sep,
  local-url =    {./papers/syncfree-cloud-closer-EU-Research-2015-09.pdf},
  url =          {http://www.issuu.com/euresearcher/docs/eu_research_07_digital_mag__1_},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/syncfree-cloud-closer-EU-Research-2015-09.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01248193},
  x-audience  =  intl, 
  x-popularlevel = yes,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-language  =  en,
  repository   = {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers},

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Alexey Gotsman and Hongseok Yang and Carla Ferreira
                  and Mahsa Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {{'C}ause {I}'m {S}trong {E}nough: Reasoning about
                  Consistency Choices in Distributed Systems},
  gs = {52}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =	 popl,
  publisher =    acm,
  address =	 {St.~Petersburg, FL, USA},
  year =	 2016,
  mon =		 jan,
  pages =	 {371--384},
  local-url =	 {./papers/CISE-POPL-2016.pdf},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/CISE-POPL-2016.pdf},
  url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2837614.2837625},
  doi =		 {10.1145/2837614.2837625},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01243192},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01243192},
  x-conferencestartdate ={2016},
  x-audience =	 intl,
  x-language =	 en,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =yes,
  repository =	 {@software.imdea.org/svn/seplogic/distrmm/logic/popl16},
  abstract =	 {Large-scale distributed systems often rely on
                  replicated databases that allow a programmer to
                  request different data consistency guarantees for
                  different operations, and thereby control their
                  performance. Using such databases is far from trivial:
                  requesting stronger consistency in too many places may
                  hurt performance, and requesting it in too few places
                  may violate correctness. To help programmers in this
                  task, we propose the first proof rule for establishing
                  that a particular choice of consistency guarantees for
                  various operations on a replicated database is enough
                  to ensure the preservation of a given data integrity
                  invariant. Our rule is modular: it allows reasoning
                  about the behaviour of every operation separately
                  under some assumption on the behaviour of other
                  operations. This leads to simple reasoning, which we
                  have automated in an SMT-based tool. We present a
                  nontrivial proof of soundness of our rule and
                  illustrate its use on several examples.},

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Mahsa Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Demo of the {CISE} tool},
  month =        nov,
  comment =      {General-audience video demonstrating the CISE tool,
                    with explanations},
  note =	 {\href{https://youtu.be/HJjWqNDh-GA}{YouTube video}},
  year =         2015,
  x-audience  =  intl,
  x-language  =  en,
  x-popularlevel = yes,
  url            = {https://youtu.be/HJjWqNDh-GA},
  hal            = {https://hal.inria.fr/medihal-01242710},
  repository     = {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/slides/Y2-review-Brussels-2015-10}

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Marek Zawirski and Carlos Baquero and Annette Bieniusa
                  and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Eventually Consistent Register Revisited},
  booktitle =	 papoc,
  year =	 2016,
  month =	 apr,
  address =	 {London, UK},
  organization = eurosys,
  publisher =	 acm,
  local-url =	 {./papers/registers-papoc-2016.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/2911151.2911157},
  url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2911151.2911157},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/registers-papoc-2016.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01242700},
  x-audience =	 intl,
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/registers/mvreg_papoc_camera.tex}

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =       {Marek Zawirski and Carlos Baquero and Annette Bieniusa
                  and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro},
  title =        {Eventually Consistent Register Revisited},
  institution =  {\url{arXiv.org}},
  year =         2015,
  number =       {arXiv:1511.05010 [cs.DC]},
  month =        nov,
  local-url =    {papers/EC-register-revisited-arXiv-1511.05010v1.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/EC-register-revisited-arXiv-1511.05010v1.pdf},
  url =          {http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05010},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01242700},
  x-language  =  en,
  x-reporttype = rr,
  repository =   {@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/registers}

  Keywords =     {IntOther},
  author =	 {Segura, Marc and Rancurel, Vianney and Tao, Vinh and
                  Shapiro, Marc},
  title =	 {Scality's Experience with a Geo-distributed File
  booktitle =	 {Posters \& Demos Session, } # middleware,
  year =	 2014,
  series =	 {Middleware Posters and Demos '14},
  pages =	 {31--32},
  month =	 dec,
  address =	 {Bordeaux, France},
  doi =		 {10.1145/2678508.2678524},
  url =		 {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2678508.2678524},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01111208},
  x-audience =	 intl,
  x-conferencestartdate ={2014-12-08},
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =yes,

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Akkoorath, Deepthi Devaki and Alejandro Z. Tomsic and
                  Manuel Bravo and Zhongmiao Li and Tyler Crain and
                  Annette Bieniusa and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {{C}ure: Strong semantics meets high availability and
                  low latency},
  gs = {39}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  booktitle =	 icdcs,
  year =	 2016,
  pages =	 {405--414},
  month =	 jun,
  address =	 {Nara, Japan},
  local-url =	 {./papers/Cure-final-ICDCS16.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1109/ICDCS.2016.98},
  url =          {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICDCS.2016.98},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01350558},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Cure-final-ICDCS16.pdf},
  x-audience =	 yes,
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-filesource = author,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-repository =  {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/wp2-doc/antidote_paper/paper.tex},
  abstract =      {Developers of cloud-scale applications
                  face a difficult decision of which kind of storage to
                  use, summarised by the CAP theorem. Currently the
                  choice is between classical CP databases, which
                  provide strong guarantees but are slow, expensive, and
                  unavailable under partition; and NoSQL-style AP
                  databases, which are fast and available, but too hard
                  to program against. We present an alternative: Cure
                  provides the highest level of guarantees that remains
                  compatible with availability. These guarantees
                  include: causal consistency (no ordering anomalies),
                  atomicity (consistent multi-key updates), and support
                  for high-level data types (developer friendly API)
                  with safe resolution of concurrent updates
                  (guaranteeing convergence). These guarantees minimise
                  the anomalies caused by parallelism and distribution,
                  thus facilitating the development of
                  applications. This paper presents the protocols for
                  highly available transactions, and an experimental
                  evaluation showing that Cure is able to achieve
                  scalability similar to eventually- consistent NoSQL
                  databases, while providing stronger guarantees.},

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =	 {Akkoorath, Deepthi Devaki and Tomsic, Alejandro and
                  Bravo, Manuel and Li, Zhongmiao and Crain, Tyler and
                  Bieniusa, Annette and Pregui{\c c}a, Nuno and Shapiro,
  title =	 {{C}ure: Strong semantics meets high availability and
                  low latency},
  institution =	 inria,
  year =	 2016,
  type =	 rr,
  number =	 {RR-8858},
  address =	 rocq,
  month =	 feb,
  Keywords =	 {geo-replication; fault tolerance; distributed
                  database; transactions; causal consistency; CRDT},
  local-url =	 {./papers/RR-8858.pdf},
  url =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01270776},
  pdf =	         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-8858.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01270776},
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =no,
  x-repository =

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Mahsa Najafzadeh and Alexey Gotsman and Hongseok Yang
                  and Carla Ferreira and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {The {CISE} Tool: Proving Weakly-Consistent
                  Applications Correct},
  booktitle =	 papoc,
  year =	 2016,
  series =	 {EuroSys 2016 workshops},
  month =	 apr,
  address =	 {London, UK},
  organization = sigops,
  publisher =	 acm,
  numpages =     3,
  local-url =	 {./papers/CISE-tool-PaPoC-2016.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/2911151.2911160},
  url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2911151.2911160},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/CISE-tool-PaPoC-2016.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01350636},
  X-audience =	 intl,
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-filesource = author,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://marc.shapiro@software.imdea.org/svn/seplogic/distrmm/logic/PaPoC/Camera-Ready}
  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =	 {Mahsa Najafzadeh and Alexey Gotsman and Hongseok Yang
                  and Carla Ferreira and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {The {CISE} Tool: Proving Weakly-Consistent Applications
  institution =	 inria,
  year =	 2016,
  type =	 rr,
  number =	 {RR-8870},
  address =	 rocq,
  month =	 feb,
  local-url =	 {./papers/RR-8870.pdf},
  pdf =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01279495/file/RR-8870.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01279495},
  x-europeanproject ={SyncFree},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing =no,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://software.imdea.org/svn/seplogic/distrmm/logic/PaPoC/}

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =	 {Valter Balegas and Cheng Li and Mahsa Najafzadeh and
                  Daniel Porto and Allen Clement and S{\'e}rgio Duarte
                  and Carla Ferreira and Johannes Gehrke and Jo{\~a}o
                  Leit{\~a}o and Nuno Pregui{\c c}a and Rodrigo
                  Rodrigues and Marc Shapiro and Viktor Vafeiadis},
  title =	 {Geo-Replication: Fast If Possible, Consistent If
  journal =	 debull,
  year =	 2016,
  volume =	 39,
  number =	 1,
  pages =	 {81--92},
  month =	 mar,
  local-url =	 {./papers/GeoReplication-DataEngineering-2016-05.pdf},
  url =		 {http://sites.computer.org/debull/A16mar/A16MAR-CD.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/GeoReplication-DataEngineering-2016-05.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01350652},
  x-abstract_en ={Geo-replicated storage systems are at the core of
                  current Internet services. Unfortunately, there exists
                  a fundamental tension between consistency and
                  performance for offering scalable
		  geo-replication. Weakening consistency semantics leads
                  to less coordination and consequently a good user
                  experience, but it may introduce anomalies such as
                  state divergence and invariant violation. In contrast,
                  maintaining stronger consistency precludes anomalies
                  but requires more coordination. This paper discusses
                  two main contributions to address this tension. First,
                  RedBlue Consistency enables blue operations to be fast
                  (and weakly consistent) while the remaining red
                  operations are strongly consistent (and slow). We
                  identify sufficient conditions for determining when
                  operations can be blue or must be red. Second,
                  Explicit Consistency further increases the space of
                  operations that can be fast by restricting the
                  concurrent execution of only the operations that can
                  break application-defined invariants. We further show
                  how to allow operations to complete locally in the
                  common case, by relying on a reservation system that
                  moves coordination off the critical path of operation
  x-audience =	 intl,
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-filesource = author,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =no,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-repository = {https://github.com/pandaworrior/IEEE_Data_Eng_Bull_2016}




  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Alejandro Z. Tomsic and Tyler Crain and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Physi{CS}-{NMSI}: efficient consistent snapshots for
                  scalable snapshot isolation},
  booktitle =	 papoc,
  year =	 2016,
  month =	 apr,
  address =	 {London, UK},
  organization = eurosys,
  publisher =	 acm,
  local-url =	 {./papers/PhysiCS-NMSI-PaPoC-2016.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/2911151.2911166},
  url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2911151.2911166},
  pdf =
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01350657},
  abstract =	 {Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation (NMSI), a variant of
                  the widely deployed Snapshot Isolation (SI), aims at
                  improving scalability by relaxing snapshots.  In
                  contrast to SI, NMSI snapshots are causally
                  consistent, which allows for more parallelism and a
                  reduced abort rate.

                  This work documents the design of
                  PhysiCS-NMSI, a transactional protocol implementing
                  NMSI in a partitioned data store.  It is the first
                  protocol to rely on a single scalar taken from a
                  physical clock for tracking causal dependencies and
                  building causally consistent snapshots.  Its commit
                  protocol ensures atomicity and the absence of
                  write-write conflicts.  Our PhysiCS-NMSI approach
                  increases concurrency and reduces abort rate and
                  metadata overhead as compared to state-of-art
  x-audience =	 intl,
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-repository =

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Lo{\"i}ck Briot and Pascal Urso and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {High Responsiveness for Group Editing {CRDT}s},
  booktitle =	 intconfon # {Supporting Group Work},
  year =	 2016,
  month =	 nov,
  address =	 {Sanibel Island, FL, USA},
  pages =        {51--60},
  organization = acm,
  publisher =	 acm,
  local-url =	 {./papers/rgasplit-group2016-11.pdf},
  url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2957276.2957300},
  doi =		 {10.1145/2957276.2957300},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/rgasplit-group2016-11.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01343941v1},
  abstract =     {Group editing is a crucial feature for many end-user applications.  It requires high responsiveness, which can be provided only by optimistic replication algorithms, which come in two classes: classical Operational Transformation (OT), or more recent Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs).

Typically, CRDTs perform better on *downstream* operations, i.e., when merging concurrent operations than OT, because the former have logarithmic complexity and the latter quadratic.  However, CRDTs are often less responsive, because their *upstream* complexity is linear.  To improve this, this paper proposes to interpose an auxiliary data structure, called the *identifier data structure* in front of the base CRDT.  The identifier structure ensures logarithmic complexity and does not require replication or synchronization.  Combined with a block-wise storage approach, this approach improves upstream execution time by several orders of magnitude, with negligeable impact on memory occupation, network bandwidth, and downstream execution performance.},                  
  x-audience =	 intl,
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-filesource = author,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/rgasplit/main.tex}

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Marc Shapiro and Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Gustavo
  title =	 {Consistency in {3D}},
  booktitle =	 concur,
  year =	 2016,
  editor =	 {Jos\'ee Desharnais and Radha Jagadeesan},
  volume =	 59,
  series =	 lipics,
  pages =	 {3:1--3:14},
  month =	 aug,
  address =	 {Qu{\'e}bec, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
  publisher =	 dagstuhl-pub,
  Keywords =	 {C.2.4 Distributed databases; D.1.3 Concurrent
                  programming; D.2.4 Software/Program Verification; E.1
                  Distributed data structures; Consistency models;
                  Replicated data; Structural invariants; Correctness of
                  distributed systems},
  local-url =	 {./papers/concur-2016-invited.pdf},
  url =          {http://dx.doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2016.3},
  pdf =          {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2016/6188/pdf/LIPIcs-CONCUR-2016-3.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2016.3},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01350668},
  x-abstract_en ={Comparisons of different consistency models often try
                  to place them in a linear strong-to-weak order.
                  However this view is clearly inadequate, since it is
                  well known, for instance, that Snapshot Isolation and
                  Serialisability are incomparable.  In the interest of
                  a better understanding, we propose a new
                  classification, along three dimensions, related to: a
                  total order of writes, a causal order of reads, and
                  transactional composition of multiple operations.  A
                  model may be stronger than another on one dimension
                  and weaker on another.  We believe that this new
                  classification scheme is both scientifically sound and
                  has good explicative value.  The current paper
                  presents the three-dimensional design space
  x-audience =	 intl,
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-filesource = author,
  x-invitedcommunication =yes,
  x-keywords_en ={C.2.4 Distributed databases; D.1.3 Concurrent
                  programming; D.2.4 Software/Program Verification; E.1
                  Distributed data structures; Consistency models;
                  Replicated data; Structural invariants; Correctness of
                  distributed systems},
  x-keywords_fr ={C.2.4 Bases de donn{\'e}es r{\'e}parties; D.1.3
                  Programmation parall{\`e}le; D.2.4 V{\'e}rification de
                  programme et de logiciel; E.1 Structures de
                  donn{\'e}es r{\'e}parties; Mod{\`e}les de
                  coh{\'e}rence; Donn{\'e}es r{\'e}pliqu{\'e}es;
                  Invariants de structurels; Caract{\`e}re correct de
                  syst{\`e}me r{\'e}parti},
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =no,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =yes,
  x-repository =

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =	 {Marc Shapiro and Saeida Ardekani, Masoud and Gustavo
  title =	 {Consistency in {3D}},
  institution =	 inria,
  year =	 2016,
  type =	 rr,
  number =	 {RR-8932},
  address =	 rocq,
  month =	 jul,
  local-url =	 {./papers/RR-8932.pdf},
  url =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01343592},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-8932.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01343592},
  x-abstract_en ={Comparisons of different consistency models often try
                  to place them in a linear strong-to-weak order.
                  However this view is clearly inadequate, since it is
                  well known, for instance, that Snapshot Isolation and
                  Serialisability are incomparable.  In the interest of
                  a better understanding, we propose a new
                  classification, along three dimensions, related to: a
                  total order of writes, a causal order of reads, and
                  transactional composition of multiple operations.  A
                  model may be stronger than another on one dimension
                  and weaker on another.  We believe that this new
                  classification scheme is both scientifically sound and
                  has good explicative value.  The current paper
                  presents the three-dimensional design space
                  intuitively.  },
  x-abstract_fr ={Les comparaisons entre mod{\`e}les de la coh{\'e}rence
                  tentent souvent de les classer dans un ordre
                  lin{\'e}aire, de faible {\`a} forte.  Cette vue est
                  clairement inad{\'e}quate, puisque il est bien connu
                  que, par exemple, les mod{\`e}les Snapshot Isolation
                  et Serialisability sont incomparables.  Dans
                  l'int{\'e}r{\^e}t d'une meilleure compr{\'e}hension du
                  domaine, nous proposons une nouvelle classification,
                  en trois dimensions~: les garanties li{\'e}es {\`a} un
                  ordre total des {\'e}critures~; celles li{\'e}es {\`a}
                  un ordre causal des lectures~; et celles li{\'e}es
                  {\`a} la composition transactionelle d'op{\'e}rations
                  multiples.  Un mod{\`e}le peut {\^e}tre plus fort
                  qu'un autre dans une dimension, et moins dans une
                  autre.  Nous pensons que ce nouveau sch{\'e}ma de
                  classification, {\`a} la fois est scientifiquement
                  valide, et a une bonne valeur explicative.  Le
                  pr{\'e}sent rapport pr{\'e}sente l'espace de
                  conception en trois dimensions de fa{\c c}on
                  intuitive.  },
    x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-filesource = author,
  x-keywords_en ={C.2.4 Distributed databases; D.1.3 Concurrent
                  programming; D.2.4 Software/Program Verification; E.1
                  Distributed data structures; Consistency models;
                  Replicated data; Structural invariants; Correctness of
                  distributed systems},
  x-keywords_fr ={C.2.4 Bases de donn{\'e}es r{\'e}parties; D.1.3
                  Programmation parall{\`e}le; D.2.4 V{\'e}rification de
                  programme et de logiciel; E.1 Structures de
                  donn{\'e}es r{\'e}parties; Mod{\`e}les de
                  coh{\'e}rence; Donn{\'e}es r{\'e}pliqu{\'e}es;
                  Invariants de structurels; Caract{\`e}re correct de
                  syst{\`e}me r{\'e}parti},
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =no,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =no,
  x-reporttype = rr,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/regal/trunk/papers/2016/shapiro/consistency-3D/paper/RR-8932.tex}

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =	 {Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Rencontre avec {M}arc {S}hapiro et son projet europ{\'e}en
  howpublished = {Inria Accueil Centre Paris Actualit{\'e}s},
  month =	 sep,
  year =	 2016,
  note =         {\url{https://www.inria.fr/centre/paris/actualites/rencontre-avec-marc-shapiro-et-son-projet-europeen-syncfree}},
  local-url =	 {papers/inria-actualites-2016-09.pdf},
  url =          {https://www.inria.fr/centre/paris/actualites/rencontre-avec-marc-shapiro-et-son-projet-europeen-syncfree},
  pdf =          {./papers/Rencontre-avec-Marc-Shapiro_Gazette-2016-09-23.pdf},
  hal =          {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01587003},
  x-abstract_fr ={Ma th{\'e}matique de travail\,: autour du compromis entre
                  la disponibilit{\'e} et la coh{\'e}rence des donn{\'e}es},
  x-audience =	 national,
  x-europeanproject_id = syncfreeID,
  x-language =	 fr,
  x-peerreviewing =no,
  x-popularlevel =yes,
  x-title_en =	 {An encounter with {M}arc {S}hapiro and his
                  {S}ync{F}ree European project}

%comment{"See 2009 version: opt:proto:sh130"}
  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =	 {Marc Shapiro and Bettina Kemme},
  title =	 EnDBSys,
  gs = {23}, gsdate = {2018-07-09},
  chapter =	 {Eventual Consistency},
  publisher =	 springer,
  editor =	 {Liu, Ling and {\"O}zsu, M. Tamer},
  year =	 2017,
  type =	 {Online and in print},
  month =	 apr,
  pages =	 2,
  local-url =	 {papers/eventual-consistency-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2016-authorversion.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_1366-2},
  url =          {https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_1366-2},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/eventual-consistency-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2016-authorversion.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01547451},
  x-abstract_en ={In a replicated database, the consistency level
                  defines whether and how the values of the replicas of
                  a logical object may diverge in the presence of
                  updates. Eventual consistency is the weakest
                  consistency level that guarantees
                  convergence. Informally, it requires that all replicas
                  of an object will eventually reach the same final
                  value, assuming that no new updates are submitted to
                  the object.},
  x-audience =	 intl,
  x-keywords_en ={Lazy Replication; Optimistic Replication; Distributed
                  Computing; Availability under Partition},
  x-keywords_fr ={R{\'e}plication paresseuse; r{\'e}plication optimiste;
                  informatique r{\'e}partie; disponibilit{\'e} sous
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =yes,
  x-repository =

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author = 	 {Shapiro, Marc},
  title = 	 {Technical Perspective: Unexpected Connections},
  journal = 	 cacm,
  year = 	 2017,
  volume = 	 60,
  number = 	 8,
  pages = 	 {82--82},
  month = 	 jul,
  local-url =    {./papers/cacm-techperspective-commutativity-2017-01.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/cacm-techperspective-commutativity-2017-01.pdf},
  doi = 	 {10.1145/3068768},
  url = 	 {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3068768},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01570845},
  no-paywall =   {https://dl.acm.org/authorize?N33775},
  x-audience = intl,
  x-peerreviewing = yes,
  x-popularlevel = yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/regal/trunk/papers/2017/shapiro/cacm-techperspective-commutativity/main.tex}

%comment{See 2009 version under opt:db:sh129}
  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =	 {Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 EnDBSys,
  chapter =	 {Optimistic Replication and Resolution},
  editor =	 {Liu, Ling and {\"O}zsu, M. Tamer},
  publisher =	 springer,
  year =	 2017,
  type =	 {Online and in print},
  month =	 apr,
  pages =	 {1--8},
  local-url =	 {papers/optimistic-replication-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2016-authorversion.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_258-4},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_258-4},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/optimistic-replication-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2016-authorversion.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01248202},
  x-abstract_en ={Data replication places physical copies of a shared
                  logical item onto different sites. Optimistic
                  replication (OR) allows a program at some site to read
                  or update the local replica at any time. An update is
                  tentative because it may conflict with a remote
                  update. Such conflicts are resolved after the fact, in
                  the background. Replicas may diverge occasionally but
                  are expected to converge eventually.},
  x-audience =	 intl,
  x-keywords_en ={Asynchronous Replication; Lazy replication; Optimistic
                  replication; Reconciliation-based data replication},
  x-keywords_fr ={r{\'e}plication asynchrone; r{\'e}plication paresseuse;
                  r{\'e}plication optimiste; r{\'e}plication bas{\'e}e sur la
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/encylopedia-DBsys-2016/optimistic-replication-2016.tex}

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =	 {Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 EnDBSys,
  chapter =	 {Replicated Data Types},
  editor =	 {Liu, Ling and {\"O}zsu, M. Tamer},
  publisher =	 springer,
  year =	 2017,
  type =	 {Online and in print},
  month =	 jul,
  pages =	 {1--5},
  local-url =    {papers/replicated-data-types-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2016-authorversion.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_80813-1},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-7993-3_80813-1},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/replicated-data-types-Encyclopedia-DB-systems-2016-authorversion.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01578910},
  x-abstract_en ={A CRDT is an abstract data type that implements some
                  familiar object, such as a counter, a set or a
                  sequence. Internally, a CRDT is replicated, to provide
                  reliability, availability.  A CRDT supports concurrent
                  updates, and encapsulates some strategy that provably
                  ensures that replicas of the CRDT will converge
                  despite this concurrency.},
  x-audience =	 intl,
  x-keywords_en ={Distributed Computing; Distributed Databases; Eventual
                  Consistency; Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types
                  (CRDTs); Commutative Replicated Data Types (CmRDTs);
                  Convergent Replicated Data Types (CvRDTs); Replicated
                  Abstract Data Types (RADTs); Replicated Data Types
  x-keywords_fr ={Informatique r{\'e}partie; base de donn{\'e}es
                  distribu{\'e}e; coh{\'e}rence {\`a} terme; type de
                  donn{\'e}es r{\'e}pliqu{\'e}es sans conflit; type de
                  donn{\'e}es r{\'e}pliqu{\'e}es commutatif; type de
                  donn{\'e}es r{\'e}pliqu{\'e}es convergent; type de
                  donn{\'e}es abstrait r{\'e}parti; type de donn{\'e}es
  x-language =	 en,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =yes,
  x-repository =

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =	 {Shapiro, Marc and Bieniusa, Annette and Pregui{\c c}a,
                  Nuno and Balegas, Valter and Meiklejohn, Christopher},
  title =	 {{J}ust-{R}ight {C}onsistency: reconciling availability
                  and safety},
  institution =	 {Inria Paris; Sorbonne Universit{\'e}s; Tech.\ U.\
                  Kaiserslautern; U.\ Nova de Lisboa; U.\ Catholique de
  year =	 2018,
  type =	 rr,
  number =	 9145,
  address =	 {Paris, France},
  month =	 jan,
  Keywords =	 {Distributed systems; CAP Theorem; invariants;
                  consistency; distributed programming; availability},
  local-url =	 {./papers/Just-Right-Consistency-RR-9145-2018-01.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01685945},
  pdf =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01685945/file/RR-9145.pdf},
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/bridge-the-CAP-gap/V1-2017-04/RR-INRIA/RR-9145.tex},
  comment =      {JRC, just right consistency}

          Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
          author = 	 {Marc Shapiro and Annette Bieniusa and Nuno Pregui{\c
                          c}a and Christopher Meiklejohn},
          title = 	 {Just-Right Consistency},
          journal = 	 {Submitted for publication},
          year = 	 2017,
          volume = 	 {???},
          number = 	 {???},
          pages = 	 {???},
          month = 	 {apr},
          local-url = {???},
          doi = 	 {???},
          url = 	 {???},
          pdf = 	 {???},
          hal = 	 {???},
          x-abstract_en = {
          Consistency is a major concern in the design of distributed
          applications, but the topic is still not well understood.
          It is clear that no single consistency model is appropriate for all
          applications, but how do developers find their way in the maze of models
          and the inherent trade-offs between correctness and availability?
          The Just-Right Consistency approach presented here offers
          some guidance.
          First, we classify the invariant patterns that are of interest to
          maintain application correctness.
          Second, we show how two of these patterns are ``AP-compatible'' and
          can be guaranteed without impacting availability, thanks to an
          appropriate data model and consistency model.
          Then we address the last, ``CAP-sensitive'' pattern.
          In a restricted but common case it can be maintained efficiently in a
          mostly-available way.
          In the general case, we exhibit a static analysis logic and tool which
          ensures just enough synchronisation to maintain the invariant, and
          availability otherwise.\par
          In summary, instead of pre-defining a consistency model and shoe-horning
          the application to fit it, and instead of making the application
          developer compensate for the imperfections of the database in an
          \emph{ad-hoc} way, we have a provably correct approach to tailoring
          consistency to the specific application requirements.
          This result is of interest to both academics and practitioners in
          distributed systems.
          x-anrproject = {RainbowFS},
          x-audience = intl,
          x-europeanproject_id = lightkoneID,
          x-language = en,
          x-peerreviewing = yes,
          x-popularlevel = yes,
          x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/bridge-the-CAP-gap/main.tex}
}        }

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Mahsa Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro and Patrick Eugster},
  title =	 {Co-Design and Verification of an Available File
  booktitle =	 vmcai,
  year =	 2018,
  editor =	 {Dillig, I{\c s}{\i}l and Palsberg, Jens},
  volume =	 {10747},
  series =	 lncs,
  pages =	 {358--381},
  month =	 jan,
  address =	 {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
  organization = sigplan,
  publisher =	 springer,
  local-url =	 {./papers/VMCAI-2018-filesys.pdf},
  pdf =  	 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/VMCAI-2018-filesys.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1007/978-3-319-73721-8_17},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73721-8_17},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01696263},
  x-europeanproject_id =syncfreeID,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =yes,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/regal/trunk/papers/2017/mahsa/VMCAI-18/main.tex},
  abstract =	 {Distributed file systems play a vital role in
                  large-scale enterprise services. However, the designer
                  of a distributed file system faces a vexing choice
                  between strong consistency and asynchronous
                  replication. The former supports a standard sequential
                  model by synchronising operations, but is slow and
                  fragile. The latter is highly available and
                  responsive, but exposes users to concurrency
                  anomalies. In this paper, we describe a rigorous and
                  general approach to navigating this trade-off by
                  leveraging static verification tools that allow to
                  verify different file system designs. We show that
                  common file system operations can run concurrently
                  without synchronisation, while still retaining a
                  semantics reasonably similar to Posix hierarchical
                  structure. The one exception is the ``move''
                  operation, for which we prove that, unless
                  synchronised, it will have an anomalous behaviour.}

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author = 	 {Ajay Singh and Marc Shapiro and Ga{\"e}l Thomas},
  title = 	 {Persistent Memory Programming Abstractions in Context
                  of Concurrent Applications},
  institution =  arxiv,
  year = 	 2017,
  number = 	 {arXiv:1712.04989 [cs.DC]},
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 {Accepted for publication at HiPC SRS 2017},
  local-url = {./papers/persistent-mem-concurrent-arxiv-2017-12.pdf},
  url = 	 {https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.04989},
  pdf = 	 {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.04989},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01667772},
  x-language = en,
  x-peerreviewing = no,
  x-popularlevel = no,
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/regal/trunk/papers/2017/ajay/intern-summer-2017/SRS-HiPC-2017/latex-src/main.tex},

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Marc Shapiro and Annette Bieniusa and Peter Zeller and
                  Gustavo Petri},
  title =	 {Ensuring referential integrity under causal
  booktitle =	 papoc,
  year =	 2018,
  editor =	 {Sebastian Burckhardt and Marko Vukoli{\'c}},
  pages =	 {5},
  month =	 apr,
  address =	 {Porto, Portugal},
  organization = eurosys,
  publisher =	 acm,
  local-url =	 {papers/causal-refs-papoc-2018-04.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/3194261.3194262},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1145/3194261.3194262},
  no-paywall =   {https://dl.acm.org/authorize?N658086},
  pdf =
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01727207},
  x-conference-url ={https://papoc-workshop.github.io/2018/},
  x-anrproject = rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 intl,
  x-europeanproject =lightkoneID,
  x-invitedcommunication =no,
  x-peerreviewing =yes,
  x-popularlevel =no,
  x-proceedings =yes,
  x-repository = {git@github.com:LightKone/Papers.git//causal-refs/final-2018-03-08.tex}

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Dimitrios Vasilas and Marc Shapiro and Bradley King},
  title =	 {A Modular Design for Geo-Distributed Querying: Work in
                  Progress Report},
  booktitle =	 papoc,
  year =	 2018,
  editor =	 {Sebastian Burckhardt and Marko Vukoli{\'c}},
  pages =	 4,
  month =	 apr,
  address =	 {Porto, Portugal},
  organization = eurosys,
  publisher =	 acm,
  local-url =	 {./papers/Distributed-Querying-Vasilas-PaPoC-2018.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/3194261.3194265},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1145/3194261.3194265},
  no-paywall =   {https://dl.acm.org/authorize?N658087},
  x-repository = {???},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Distributed-Querying-Vasilas-PaPoC-2018.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01728712},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-europeanproject_id =lightkoneID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no},
  comment =      {Proteus},

  Keywords =     {BookOrChapter},
  author =	 "Shapiro, Marc and Sutra, Pierre",
  editor =	 "Sakr, Sherif and Zomaya, Albert",
  title =	 "Database Consistency Models",
  chapter =	 "Database Consistency Models",
  booktitle =    {Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies},
  publisher =	 "Springer International Publishing",
  year =	 2018,
  isbn =	 "978-3-319-63962-8",
  pages =	 "1--11",
  local-url =	 {papers/DBconsistency-Springer2018-authorversion.pdf},
  pdf =	         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/DBconsistency-Springer2018-authorversion.pdf},
  doi =		 "10.1007/978-3-319-63962-8_203-1",
  url =		 "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63962-8_203-1",
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/regal/trunk/papers/2017/shapiro/encyclopedia-consistency/},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01756780},
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={no},
  x-popularlevel ={yes}

  Keywords =     {Other},
  author =	 {Nair, Sreeja and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =	 {Improving the ``{C}orrect {E}ventual {C}onsistency'' Tool},
  institution =	 inria,
  year =	 2018,
  type =	 {Rapport de recherche},
  number =	 {RR-9191},
  address =	 {Paris, France},
  month =	 jul,
  Keywords =	 {Consistency, Verification, Distributed applications},
  local-url =	 {./papers/RR-9191-improving-CEC.pdf},
  url =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01832888},
  x-repository = {git+ssh://shapiro@scm.gforge.inria.fr/gitroot/rainbowfs/rainbowfs.git//papers/cec-token-gen/},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/RR-9191-improving-CEC.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01832888},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-europeanproject_id =lightkoneID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={no},
  x-popularlevel ={no},

  Keywords =     {IntJrnl},
  author =	 {Annette Bieniusa and Alexey Gotsman and Bettina Kemme
                  and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Data Consistency in Distributed Systems: Algorithms,
                  Programs, and Databases ({D}agstuhl Seminar 18091)},
  journal =	 {Dagstuhl Reports},
  year =	 2018,
  volume =	 8,
  number =	 2,
  pages =	 {101--121},
  doi =		 {10.4230/DagRep.8.2.101},
  url =		 {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2018/9292},
  pdf =          {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2018/9292/pdf/dagrep_v008_i002_p101_18091.pdf},
  pdf =          {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Dagstuhl-Consistency-18091.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01848384},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-europeanproject_id =lightkoneID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-keywords_en ={consistency, CRDTs, Distributed Algorithms,
                  distributed computing, Distributed Systems,
                  partitioning, replication, Strong Consistency,
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={no},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  Keywords =     {IntConf},
  author =	 {Alejandro Z. Tomsic and Manuel Bravo and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Distributed transactional reads: the strong, the
                  quick, the fresh \& the impossible},
  booktitle =	 middleware,
  year =	 2018,
  editor =	 {Liuba Shrira and Paulo Ferreira},
  pages =	 {120--133},
  month =	 dec,
  address =	 {Rennes, France},
  organization = {ACM/IFIP/USENIX},
  publisher =	 acm,
  local-url =	 {./papers/middleware18-authorversion.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/3274808.3274818},
  no-paywall =   {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3274808.3274818?cid=81100431017},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1145/3274808.3274818},
  x-repository = {svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svnroot/syncfree/trunk/papers/ratradeoff/middleware18/middleware18.tex},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/middleware18-authorversion.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01876456},
  x-conference-url ={http://2018.middleware-conference.org/},
  x-abstract_en ={This paper studies the costs and trade-offs of
                  providing transactional consistent reads in a
                  distributed storage system.  We identify the following
                  dimensions: read consistency, read delay (latency),
                  and data freshness.  We show that there is a three-way
                  trade-off between them, which can be summarised as
                  follows: (i) it is not possible to ensure at the same
                  time order-preserving (e.g., causally-consistent) or
                  atomic reads, Minimal Delay, and maximal freshness;
                  thus, reading data that is the most fresh without
                  delay is possible only in a weakly-isolated mode; (ii)
                  to ensure atomic or order-preserving reads at Minimal
                  Delay imposes to read data from the past (not fresh);
                  (iii) however, order-preserving minimal-delay reads
                  can be fresher than atomic; (iv) reading atomic or
                  order-preserving data at maximal freshness may block
                  reads or writes indefinitely.  Our impossibility
                  results hold independently of other features of the
                  database, such as update semantics (totally ordered or
                  not) or data model (structured or unstructured).
                  Guided by these results, we modify an existing
                  protocol to ensure minimal-delay reads (at the cost of
                  freshness) under atomic-visibility and
                  causally-consistent semantics.  Our experimental
                  evaluation supports the theoretical results.  },
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-europeanproject_id =lightkoneID,
  x-europeanproject_id =syncfreeID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author =	 {Toumlilt, Ilyas and Tomsic, Alejandro and Shapiro,
  title =	 {Vers une coh{\'e}rence causale {\'e}volutive sans
                  cha{\^i}nes de ralentissements},
  booktitle =	 compas,
  year =	 2017,
  month =	 Jun,
  address =	 {Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France},
  Keywords =	 {IntConf},
  url =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01860334},
  pdf =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01860334/file/compas2017_Ilyas_Toumlilt.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01860334},
  x-conference-url ={https://compas2017.sciencesconf.org},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-europeanproject_id =lightkoneID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author =	 {Nair, Sreeja S and Gustavo Petri and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Invariant Safety for Distributed Applications},
  booktitle =	 papoc,
  year =	 2019,
  pages =	 {4.1--4.7},
  month =	 mar,
  address =	 {Dresden, Germany},
  organization = acm,
  publisher =	 acm,
  Keywords =	 {IntConf},
  local-url =	 {./papers/soteria-PaPoC-2019.pdf},
  pdf =	         {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/soteria-PaPoC-2019.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/3301419.3323970},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1145/3301419.3323970},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02052012},
  x-conference-url ={https://novasys.di.fct.unl.pt/conferences/papoc19/},
  x-abstract_en ={We study a proof methodology for verifying the safety
                  of data invariants of highly-available distributed
                  applications that replicate state. The proof is (1)
                  modular: one can reason about each individual
                  operation separately, and (2) sequential: one can
                  reason about a distributed application as if it were
                  sequential. We automate the methodology and illustrate
                  the use of the tool with a representative example.},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-europeanproject_id =lightkoneID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author =	 {Francis Laniel and Damien Carver and Julien Sopena and
                  Franck Wajsburt and Jonathan Lejeune and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Highlighting the Container Memory Consolidation
                  Problems in {L}inux},
  booktitle =	 nca,
  year =	 2019,
  pages =	 {1--4},
  month =	 sep,
  address =	 {Cambridge MA, USA},
  organization = ieee,
  Keywords =	 {IntConf},
  local-url =	 {./papers/Highlighting container memory consolidation problem in Linux Laniel-NCA-2019.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1109/NCA.2019.8935034},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1109/NCA.2019.8935034},
  x-repository = {https://gitlab.lip6.fr/flaniel/nca},
  pdf =          {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02424007/document},
  hal =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02424007/},
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no},

  author =	 {Sreeja S Nair and Gustavo Petri and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Proving the safety of highly-available distributed
  booktitle =	 esop,
  series =       lncs,
  volume =       12075,
  year =	 2020,
  pages =	 {544--571},
  month =	 apr,
  address =	 {Dublin, Ireland (canceled due to Covid-19 pandemic)},
  Keywords =	 IntConf,
  local-url =	 {./papers/esop2020.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1007/978-3-030-44914-8_20},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44914-8_20},
  x-repository = {https://gforge.inria.fr/scm/viewvc.php/regal/trunk/papers/2019/snair/esop/},
  x-repository = {https://gitlab.lip6.fr/snair/papers-gforge/-/tree/master/2019/snair/esop},
  pdf =		 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/esop2020.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02424317},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-europeanproject_id =lightkoneID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-keywords_en ={Replicated objects; Consistency; Automatic
                  verification; Distributed application design; Tool
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author = 	 {Julien Peeters and Nicolas Ventroux and Tanguy
                  Sassolas and Marc Shapiro}, 
  title = 	 {Distributing computing system implementing a
                  non-speculative hardware transactional memory and a
                  method for using same for distributed computing},
  institution =  {United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO),
                  Institut National de la Propri{\'e}t{\'e} Intellectuelle (INPI),
		  World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),
		  European Patent Office (EPO)},
  year = 	 2019,
  type = 	 {Patent},
  number = 	 {US 10 416 925B2, FR3019921A1, WO2015155294A1, EP3129874B1},
  month = 	 sep,
  url =          {https://patents.google.com/patent/US10416925B2/en},
  url =          {https://patents.google.com/patent/FR3019921A1/en},
  url =          {https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2015155294A1/en},
  url =          {https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3129874B1/en},
  pdf =          {https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/c6/28/bc/63f5842670c47e/US10416925.pdf},
  note =         {Granted US 2019-09-17, FR 2017-08-11, EPO 2018-06-13}

  author = 	 {Marc Shapiro},
  title = 	 {Living at the edge, safely},
  institution =  {LightKone European Project},
  year = 	 2019,
  type = 	 {Blog post},
  month = 	 may,
  type =         {Blog post},
  howpublished = {\url{https://medium.com/@haslab.comunicacao/living-at-the-edge-safely-3b408bb953a}}

  author = 	 {Vasilas, Dimitrios and Shapiro, Marc and King, Bradley
                  and Hamouda, Sara S.},
  title = 	 {Towards application-specific query processing systems},
  booktitle = 	 bda,
  year = 	 2020,
  series = 	 {36{\`e}me BDA},
  pages = 	 {63--63},
  month = 	 oct,
  address = 	 {Online},
  Keywords =  {IntConf},
  local-url = {./papers/BDA_2020_paper_30.pdf},
  url = 	 {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro//papers/BDA_2020_paper_30.pdf},
  x-repository = {https://gitlab.lip6.fr/delys/proteus-paper/-/tree/BDA2020},
  pdf = 	 {http://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/BDA_2020_paper_30.pdf},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.sorbonne-universite.fr/hal-02943380},
  x-conference-url = {https://bda.lip6.fr/},
  x-anrproject_id = rainbowfsID,
  x-audience = {international},
  x-europeanproject_id = lightkoneID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication = {no},
  x-language = {en},
  x-peerreviewing = {yes},
  x-popularlevel = {no}

  author = 	 {Saalik Hatia and Marc Shapiro},
  title = 	 {Specification of a Transactionally and
                  Causally-Consistent ({TCC}) database},
  institution =  inria,
  year = 	 2020,
  type = 	 rr,
  number = 	 {RR-9355},
  address = 	 {Paris, France},
  month = 	 jul,
  local-url = {./papers/RR-9355 Specification of a Transactionally and Causally-Consistent database.pdf},
  url = 	 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02902474},
  x-repository = {???},
  pdf = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02902474v2/document},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02902474},

  author =	 {Laniel, Francis and Carver, Damien and Sopena, Julien
                  and Wajsburt, Franck and Lejeune, Jonathan and
                  Shapiro, Marc},
  title =	 {{M}em{O}p{L}ight: Leveraging application feedback to
                  improve container memory consolidation},
  note =         {Best Paper Award},
  booktitle =	 nca,
  year =	 2020,
  month =	 nov,
  address =	 {Virtual Conference},
  Keywords =	 {IntConf},
  local-url =    {papers/MemOpLight-Laniel-NCA-2020.pdf},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1109/NCA51143.2020.9306717},
  doi =          {10.1109/NCA51143.2020.9306717},
  pdf =          {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/MemOpLight-Laniel-NCA-2020.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03065629},
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author =	 {Beno{\^\i}t Martin and Laurent Prosperi and Marc
  title =	 {An environment for composable distributed computing},
  booktitle =	 eurodw,
  year =	 2020,
  pages =	 6,
  month =	 apr,
  address =	 {Heraklion, Crete (online due to Covid-19)},
  organization = eurosys,
  publisher =	 acm,
  Keywords =	 IntConf,
  local-url =    {./papers/composable-computing-Martin-Prosperi-EuroDW-2020.pdf},
  url =          {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/composable-computing-Martin-Prosperi-EuroDW-2020.pdf},
  x-repository = {git@gitlab.lip6.fr:lprosperi/eurodw2020.git},
  pdf =
  hal =           {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03146124},
  x-conference-url ={https://www.eurosys2020.org/workshops/eurodw2020/},
  x-abstract_en ={Modern applications are highly distributed and
                  data-intensive.  Programming a distributed system is
                  challenging because of asynchrony, failures and
                  trade-offs. In addition, application requirements vary
                  with the use-case and throughout the development
                  cycle.  Moreover, existing tools come with restricted
                  expressiveness or limited runtime customizability.
                  Our work aims to address this by improving reuse while
                  maintaining fine-grain control and enhancing
                  dependability.  We argue that an environment for
                  composable distributed computing will facilitate the
                  process of developing distributed systems. We use
                  high-level composable specification, verification
                  tools and a distributed runtime.  },
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-anrproject_id =adecodsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author =	 {Nair, Sreeja S and Meirim, Filipe and Pereira,
                  M{\'a}rio and Ferreira, Carla and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =	 {A coordination-free, convergent, and safe replicated
  institution =	 inria,
  year =	 2021,
  type =	 {Research Report},
  number =	 {RR-9395},
  address =	 {Paris, France},
  month =	 feb,
  local-url =	 {./papers/tree-CRDT-Nair-RR-9395-2021-02.pdf},
  url =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03150817},
  x-repository = {git@github.com:sreeja/tree-crdt-paper.git},
  pdf =          {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/tree-CRDT-Nair-RR-9395-2021-02.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03150817},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-filesource = {author},
  keywords =	 {Distributed data structures; Conflict-free Replicated
                  Data Type; Formal verification},

  author =	 {Romain Vaillant and Dimitrios Vasilas and Marc Shapiro
                  and Linh Thuy},
  title =	 {{CRDT}s for truly concurrent file systems},
  booktitle =	 hotstorage,
  year =	 2021,
  month =	 jul,
  address =	 {Virtual},
  organization = sigops,
  publisher =	 acm,
  Keywords =	 {IntConf},
  local-url =	 {papers/CRDT-filesystem-HotStorage-2021.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/3465332.3470872},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1145/3465332.3470872},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03278658},
  x-conference-url ={https://www.hotstorage.org/2021/},
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author =	 {Ilyas Toumlilt and Pierre Sutra and Marc Shapiro},
  title =	 {Highly-available and consistent group collaboration at
                  the edge with {C}olony},
  booktitle =	 middleware,
  year =	 2021,
  pages =	 {336--351},
  month =	 dec,
  address =	 {Qu{\' e}bec, Canada (online)},
  organization = {ACM/IFIP},
  Keywords =	 {IntConf},
  local-url =	 {./papers/middleware21r2-final78.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1145/3464298.3493405},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1145/3464298.3493405},
  x-repository = {git@github.com:ilyasToumlilt/EdgeAnt-Paper.git},
  pdf =          {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/middleware21r2-final78.pdf},
  hal =		 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03353663},
  x-conference-url ={https://middleware-conf.github.io/2021/},
  x-abstract_en ={Edge applications, such as gaming, cooperative
                  engineering, or in-the-field information sharing,
                  enjoy immediate response, autonomy and availability by
                  distributing and replicating data at the edge.
                  However, application developers and users demand the
                  highest possible consistency guarantees, and specific
                  support for group collaboration.  To address this
                  challenge, Colony guarantees Transactional Causal Plus
                  Consistency (TCC+) globally, strengthened to Snapshot
                  Isolation within edge groups.  To help with
                  scalability, fault tolerance and security, its logical
                  communication topology is forest-like, with replicated
                  roots in the core cloud, but with the flexibility to
                  migrate a node or a group.  Despite this hybrid
                  approach, applications enjoy the same semantics
                  everywhere in the topology.  Our experiments show that
                  local caching and peer groups improve throughput and
                  response time significantly, performance is not
                  affected in offline mode, and that migration is
  x-anrproject_id =rainbowfsID,
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-conferencestartdate ={6 December 2021},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no}

  author =	 {Sid-Otmane, Jonathan and Imadali, Sofiane and
                  Martelli, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Shapiro, Marc},
  title =	 {Data Consistency in the {5G} Specification},
  booktitle =	 icin,
  year =	 2020,
  pages =	 {110--117},
  month =	 feb,
  address =	 {Ch{\^a}tillon, France},
  publisher =	 ieee,
  local-url =	 {./papers/Data_Consistency_in_the_5G_Specification.pdf},
  doi =		 {10.1109/ICIN48450.2020.9059408},
  url =		 {https://doi.org/10.1109/ICIN48450.2020.9059408},
  hal =		 {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02943802},
  pdf =          {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/Data_Consistency_in_the_5G_Specification.pdf},
  x-conference-url ={https://www.icin-conference.org/2020/},
  x-audience =	 {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication ={no},
  x-language =	 {en},
  x-peerreviewing ={yes},
  x-popularlevel ={no},
  x-proceedings ={yes}

  author = 	 {Ayush Pandey and Annette Bieniusa and Marc Shapiro},
  title = 	 {Persisting the {A}ntidote{DB} cache: design and
                  implementation of a cache for a {CRDT} datastore},
  institution =  inria,
  year = 	 2022,
  number = 	 {RR-9470},
  address = 	 {Paris, France},
  month = 	 apr,
  local-url = {papers/RR-9470.pdf},
  url = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03654003},
  pdf = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03654003/document},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03654003/},
  x-anrproject_id = rainbowfsID,
  x-filesource = {author},

  author = 	 {Laurent Prosperi and Marc Shapiro and Ahmed Bouajjani},
  title = 	 {{V}arda: An architectural framework for compositional
                  distributed programming},
  booktitle = 	 netys,
  year = 	 2022,
  editor = 	 {Mira Mezini and Mohammed-Amine Koulali},
  volume = 	 {LNCS 13464},
  series = 	 lncs,
  pages = 	 {16--30},
  month = 	 may,
  address = 	 {Online},
  publisher = springer,
  Keywords =  {IntConf},
  local-url = {papers/varda-netys-2022.pdf},
  doi = 	 {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17436-0_2},
  x-presentation-video = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgiwUi4XbnQ},
  x-repository = {git@gitlab.lip6.fr:lprosperi/lg4dc-slides.git//papers/2022/Netys\'22/main.tex},
  pdf = 	 {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/varda-netys-2022.pdf},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.science/hal-04015827},
  x-conference-url = {http://netys.net/accepted/},
  x-anrproject_id = adecodsID,

  author = 	 {Martin, Beno{\^\i}t and Shapiro, Marc},
  title = 	 {Shared memory for the actor model},
  booktitle = 	 compas,
  year = 	 2022,
  month = 	 Jul,
  address = 	 {Amiens, France},
  organization = {Laboratoire Mod{\'e}lisation, Informatique et Syst{\`e}me - de l'Universit{\'e} de Picardie Jules Verne},
  url = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-04004775},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-04004775},
  pdf = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-04004775/file/ComPAS2022_paper_2-2.pdf},

  author = 	 {Beno{\^\i}t Martin and Laurent Prosperi and Marc Shapiro},
  title = 	 {Transactional-Turn Causal Consistency},
  booktitle = 	 europar,
  year = 	 2023,
  editor = 	 {Jos{\'e} Cano and Marios D. Dikaiakos and George
                  A. Papadopoulos and Miquel Peric{\`a}s and Rizos
  volume = 	 {LNCS 14100},
  number = 	 {14100},
  series = 	 lncs,
  pages = 	 {578--591},
  month = 	 aug,
  address = 	 {Limassol, Cyprus},
  publisher = springer,
  Keywords =  {IntConf},
  local-url = {papers/Transactional-Turn Causal Consistency Euro-Par2023_35 Martin-Prosperi-Shapiro.pdf},
  doi = 	 {10.1007/978-3-031-39698-4_39},
  url = 	 {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-39698-4_39},
  no-paywall =   {https://rdcu.be/dlFEH},
  pdf = 	 {https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-39698-4_39.pdf},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-04117344},
  x-conference-url = {https://2023.euro-par.org},
  x-presentation-video = {todo},
  x-repository = {https://www.overleaf.com/project/6396e9705b541e1ef6e942e1},
  x-anrproject_id = adecodsID,
  x-audience = {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication = {no},
  x-language = {en},
  x-peerreviewing = {yes},
  x-popularlevel = {no}

  author = 	 {Edgard Schiebelbein and Saalik Hatia and Annette
                  Bieniusa and Gustavo Petri and Carla Ferreira
                  and Marc Shapiro},
  title = 	 {Models for Storage in Database Backends},
  booktitle = 	 papoc,
  year = 	 2024,
  editor = 	 acm,
  pages = 	 {58--66},
  month = 	 apr,
  address = 	 {Athens, Greece},
  organization = eurosys,
  publisher = acm,
  Keywords =  {IntConf},
  local-url = {./papers/papoc2024-published-version-paper19.pdf},
  doi = 	 {10.1145/3642976.3653036},
  url = 	 {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3642976.3653036},
  x-repository = {git@gitlab.inria.fr:shapiro/backend-model.git},
  pdf = 	 {https://lip6.fr/Marc.Shapiro/papers/papoc2024-published-version-paper19.pdf},
  no-paywall =    {https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3642976.3653036?cid=81100431017},
  hal = 	 {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-04507674},
  x-conference-url = {https://papoc-workshop.github.io/2024/},
  x-anrproject_id = adecodsID,
  x-audience = {international},
  x-filesource = {author},
  x-invitedcommunication = {no},
  x-language = {en},
  x-peerreviewing = {yes},
  x-popularlevel = {no}
