Information - the summer school has been cancelled (insufficient number of registration on June 15th, 2015)
Welcome to the web site of the international summer school on «Intensive Automated Testing of Service Oriented Architectures» to take place in the campus of Jussieu in Paris.
This summer school will teach you the last innovative techniques enabling to perform automated intensive testing of Service Oriented Architectures. You will learn how to generate a consistent set of tests for such systems and to execute them in the cloud.
This summer school is sponsored by the MIDAS European project that is dedicated to testing of systems in the cloud. It is also sponsored by Université Pierre & Marie Curie and the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6).
Organizing committee
Lom Hillah - Program co-chair
Fabrice Kordon - General Chair
Véronique Varenne - Organization Chair
Pierre-Henri Wuillemin - Program co-chair