module BoundUniverse where

open import Function

open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin renaming (_+_ to _+F_)

open import Relation.Unary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- The categorical structures at play in this file are directly
-- inspired by the work of Hirschowitz & Maggesi's "Modules over
-- monads and initial semantics"
-- [] and Ahrens &
-- Zsidó's "Initial Semantics for higher-order typed syntax in Coq"
-- []. I've merely adapted
-- their work to a relative monad, in a much less principled way than
-- Ahrens' "Modules over relative monads for syntax and semantics"
-- [].

-- * Worlds

-- Worlds let us abstract over (non-dependent?) contexts (with W) and
-- indices into a context (with ⟦ Γ ⟧).

-- A World is a monoidal category (W, ⊗) equipped with a strict
-- monoidal functor ⟦_⟧ : W → Set/I

record World (I : Set)(W : Set) : Set₁ where
    -- W is monoidal:
    _⊗_ : W  W  W
    -- With a functor to Set/I:
    ⟦_⟧ : W  (I  Set)
    -- Which is strict:
    mon⟦⟧ : ∀{Ω Γ}   Γ  Ω    Γ    Ω 
    mon⟦⟧⁻¹ : ∀{Ω Γ}   Γ    Ω    Γ  Ω 

-- ⟦_⟧ being strict monoidal, we can map over the left-hand side of
-- the monoidal product (which we shall frequently do when going under
-- a bunch of binders):

module MapW {I W : Set}(w : World I W) where

  open World w
  mapL : ∀{Ω Γ Δ : W}  
         ( Γ    Δ )   Γ  Ω    Δ  Ω 
  mapL ρ k = mon⟦⟧⁻¹ ( ρ id (mon⟦⟧ k))

-- Question: what is the relation with Tanaka & Power's "A unified
-- category-theoretic formulation of typed binding signatures"
-- []?

-- * Binding signature:

-- We give an intensional characterization of binding signatures with
-- a Martin-Löf universe. The idea is to reuse the standard machinery
-- for inductive families
-- []
-- (see also, Chapter 5 of my thesis
-- []),
-- and extend the recursive constructor (here, `X) with a notion of
-- scope.

-- This should be (extensionally) equivalent to Ahrens' binding
-- signature. However, it supports first-order representations of
-- first-order datatypes: we get a working definitional equality over
-- these objects, as we shall see in the examples. This boils down to
-- the usual debate about the (inherently extensional) W-types
-- vs. more intensional presentations.

module BindingDesc {W I : Set}(w : World I W) where

  open World w

  -- Code:
  data BDesc : Set₁ where
    `⊤ : BDesc
    _`+_ _`×_ : (D₁ D₂ : BDesc)  BDesc
      : (S : Set)(T : S  BDesc)  BDesc
    `X : (w : W)(i : I)  BDesc

  infixr 30 _`×_
  infixr 20 _`+_

  -- Alias for binders: Bind[ Ω ] X Γ i ≅ X (Γ ⊗ Ω) i
  data Bind[_] (Ω : W)(X : W  I  Set)(Γ : W)(i : I) : Set where
    sc : X (Γ  Ω) i  Bind[ Ω ] X Γ i

  -- Interpretation:
  ⟦_⟧B : BDesc  (W  I  Set)  W  Set
   `⊤ ⟧B X w = 
   D₁ `+ D₂ ⟧B X w =  D₁ ⟧B X w   D₂ ⟧B X w
   D₁  D₂ ⟧B X w =  D₁ ⟧B X w ×  D₂ ⟧B X w
    S T ⟧B X w = Σ[ s  S ]  T s ⟧B X w
    S T ⟧B X w = (s : S)   T s ⟧B X w 
   `X Ω i ⟧B X Γ = Bind[ Ω ] X Γ i 

  -- A binding signature is an I-indexed family of BDesc:
  record BSig : Set₁ where
    constructor mk
      out : I  BDesc

-- * Free term algebra

-- From a presentation, we can build the syntax of terms (defined by
-- Tm) with bindings (defined by Scope[_]).

module Terms {W I : Set}{w : World I W}
             (D : BindingDesc.BSig w)  where

  open World w
  open BindingDesc w

    -- Term of type I in context W:
    data Tm (w : W) : I  Set where
      `var : ∀{i}   w  i  Tm w i
      `op : ∀{i}   BSig.out D i ⟧B Tm w  Tm w i

    -- Binder of Ω-variables :
    Scope[_] : (Ω : W)(Γ : W)(i : I)  Set
    Scope[ Ω ] = Bind[ Ω ] Tm

  -- A relative strength over Tm (provided that Tm is a functor, which
  -- we will define) is defined as:

  Strength : Set 
  Strength = {Γ Δ : W}  (∀{Γ Δ}  ( Γ    Δ )  Tm Γ  Tm Δ)  
             Tm Γ   Δ   Tm (Γ  Δ)

-- * Substitution structure

module Subst {I W : Set}{w : World I W}
             {D : BindingDesc.BSig w}(str : Terms.Strength D) where

  open World w
  open MapW w 
  open BindingDesc w
  open Terms D


    -- Scope[ Ω ] : W → Set/I is a functor
    --   ie. for f ∈ W(Γ, Δ)
    --         we have a functorial map
    --           mapSc f ∈ Set/I(Scope Γ, Scope Δ)

    mapSc : ∀{Ω Γ Δ} 
            ( Γ    Δ )  Scope[ Ω ] Γ  Scope[ Ω ] Δ
    mapSc σ (sc xs) = sc (mapTm (mapL σ) xs)

    -- Tm : W → Set/I is a functor
    --   ie. for f ∈ W(Γ, Δ), 
    --         we have a functorial map 
    --           mapTm f ∈ Set/I(Tm Γ, Tm Δ)

    mapTm : ∀{Γ Δ}  ( Γ    Δ )  Tm Γ  Tm Δ
    mapTm σ {i} (`var x₁) = `var (σ {i} x₁)
    mapTm σ (`op x₁) = `op ( BSig.out D _ ⟧map  {i}  σ {i}) x₁)
      where  ⟦_⟧map : ∀(D' : BDesc){Γ Δ} 
                      ( Γ    Δ )   D' ⟧B Tm Γ   D' ⟧B Tm Δ
              `⊤ ⟧map σ xs = tt
              D₁  D₂ ⟧map σ (xs₁ , xs₂) =  D₁ ⟧map σ xs₁ ,  D₂ ⟧map σ xs₂
              D₁ `+ D₂ ⟧map σ (inj₁ xs₁) = inj₁ ( D₁ ⟧map σ xs₁)
              D₁ `+ D₂ ⟧map σ (inj₂ xs₂) = inj₂ ( D₂ ⟧map σ xs₂)
               S T ⟧map σ (s , xs) = s  ,  T s ⟧map  {i}  σ {i}) xs
               S T ⟧map σ xs s =  T s ⟧map  {i}  σ {i}) (xs s)
              `X w i ⟧map {Γ}{Δ} σ xs = mapSc σ xs

  -- Tm Σ : W → Set/I is a relative monad over ⟦_⟧ : W → Set/I
  --   ie. 
  --    1. we have a natural transformation
  --         return : ∀ Γ. Set/I(⟦ Γ ⟧, Tm Γ)

  return : ∀{Γ}   Γ   Tm Γ
  return = `var

  --    2. we have a natural transformation
  --         sub : ∀ Γ Δ. Set/I(⟦ Γ ⟧, Tm Δ) → Set/I(Tm Γ, Tm Δ)

    sub : ∀{Γ Δ}  ( Γ   Tm Δ)  Tm Γ  Tm Δ
    sub ρ (`var x) = ρ x
    sub ρ (`op x) = `op (help {BSig.out D _} x ρ)
      where help : ∀{D' Γ Δ}   D' ⟧B Tm Γ  ( Γ   Tm Δ)   D' ⟧B Tm Δ
            help {`⊤} tt ρ = tt
            help {D₁  D₂} (xs₁ , xs₂) ρ = help {D₁} xs₁ ρ , help {D₂} xs₂ ρ
            help {D₁ `+ D₂} (inj₁ xs₁) ρ = inj₁ (help {D₁} xs₁ ρ)
            help {D₁ `+ D₂} (inj₂ xs₂) ρ = inj₂ (help {D₂} xs₂ ρ)
            help { S T} (s , xs) ρ = s , help {T s} xs ρ
            help { S T} xs ρ s = help {T s} (xs s) ρ
            help {`X w i}{Γ} v ρ = weaken ρ v

  -- Scope[ Ω ] : W → Set/I is a Tm-module
  --   ie. we have a natural transformation
  --         scopeSub : ∀ Γ Δ. Set/I(⟦ Γ ⟧, Tm Δ) → Set/I(Scope[ Ω ] Γ, Scope[ Ω ] Δ)

    weaken : ∀{Ω Γ Δ}  ( Γ   Tm Δ)  Scope[ Ω ] Γ  Scope[ Ω ] Δ
    weaken {Ω}{Γ}{Δ} ρ {i} (sc tm) = sc (sub  v  str mapTm ( ρ id (mon⟦⟧ v))) tm)

-- * Example: Well-scoped, untyped lambda-calculus

module LC where

  -- ** Untyped world

  monFin : ∀{n m}  Fin (n + m)  Fin m  Fin n
  monFin {zero} xs = inj₁ xs
  monFin {suc m} zero = inj₂ zero
  monFin {suc m} (suc xs) with monFin {m} xs
  monFin {suc m} (suc xs) | inj₁ x = inj₁ x
  monFin {suc m} (suc xs) | inj₂ y = inj₂ (suc y)

  monFin⁻¹ : ∀{n m}  Fin m  Fin n  Fin (n + m)
  monFin⁻¹ {n}{m} k = [ raise n , inject+ m ]′ k

  ℕW : World  
  ℕW = record { ⟦_⟧ = λ n tt  Fin n 
              ; _⊗_ = λ m n  n + m 
              ; mon⟦⟧ = monFin
              ; mon⟦⟧⁻¹ = monFin⁻¹ }

  open BindingDesc ℕW

  -- ** Terms

  Σλam : BSig
  Σλam = mk  tt  {- app: -} (`X 0 tt  `X 0 tt) 
                 `+ {- abs: -} `X 1 tt )

  open Terms Σλam

  λam :   Set
  λam n = Tm n tt

  var : ∀{n}  Fin n  λam n
  var = `var

  app : ∀{n}  λam n  λam n  λam n
  app f s = `op (inj₁ (sc f , sc s))

  abs : ∀{n}  λam (suc n)  λam n 
  abs b = `op (inj₂ (sc b))

  -- ** Substitution

  str : Terms.Strength Σλam
  str {Δ = n} fmap (inj₁ tm) = fmap (raise n) tm
  str fmap (inj₂ k) = var (inject+ _ k)

  open Subst str

  subst⊢ : ∀{m n}  λam m  (Fin m  λam n)  λam n
  subst⊢ tm ρ = sub ρ tm

  -- ** Example

  tm1 : λam 0
  tm1 = abs (var zero)

  tm2 : λam 1
  tm2 = abs (app (var (suc zero)) (var zero))

  tm3 : λam 0
  tm3 = subst⊢ tm2 ρ
    where ρ : Fin 1  λam 0
          ρ zero = tm1
          ρ (suc ())

  tm3' : λam 0
  tm3' = abs (app (abs (var zero)) (var zero))

  test : tm3  tm3'
  test = refl  -- Definitional equality.

-- * Example: well-typed lambda-calculus

module STLC where

  data Typ : Set where
    `■ : Typ
    _`⇒_ : (A B : Typ)  Typ

  -- ** Simply-typed world

  data Ctxt : Set where
    ε : Ctxt 
    _▹_ : Ctxt  Typ  Ctxt
  data _`∈_ (T : Typ) : (Γ : Ctxt)  Set where
    ze : ∀{Γ}  T `∈ (Γ  T)
    suc : ∀{Γ T'}  T `∈ Γ  T `∈ (Γ  T') 

  _∷_ : Ctxt  Ctxt  Ctxt
  Γ  ε = Γ
  Γ  (Ω  S) = (Γ  Ω)  S

  monW : ∀{Ω Γ T}  T `∈ (Γ  Ω)  T `∈ Γ  T `∈ Ω
  monW {ε} k = inj₁ k
  monW {Ω  T} ze = inj₂ ze
  monW {Ω  x} (suc k) with monW {Ω} k 
  monW {Ω  x₁} (suc k) | inj₁ x = inj₁ x
  monW {Ω  x} (suc k) | inj₂ y = inj₂ (suc y)

  raiseW :  {Γ T} Δ  T `∈ Γ  T `∈ (Γ  Δ)
  raiseW ε k = k
  raiseW (Δ  x) k = suc (raiseW Δ k)
  injectW :  {Γ T} Δ  T `∈ Γ  T `∈ (Δ  Γ)
  injectW Δ ze = ze
  injectW Δ (suc k) = suc (injectW Δ k)

  monW⁻¹ : ∀{Ω Γ T}  T `∈ Γ  T `∈ Ω  T `∈ (Γ  Ω)
  monW⁻¹ {Ω}{Γ} = [ raiseW Ω , injectW Γ ]′ 

  CtxtW : World Typ Ctxt
  CtxtW = record { ⟦_⟧ = λ Γ T  T `∈ Γ 
                 ; _⊗_ = _∷_ 
                 ; mon⟦⟧ = monW
                 ; mon⟦⟧⁻¹ = monW⁻¹ }

  -- ** Terms

  open BindingDesc CtxtW

  Σλam : BSig
  Σλam = mk λ T   {- app: -} ( Typ λ S  `X ε (S `⇒ T)  `X ε S)
                `+ {- abs: -} ( Typ λ A   Typ λ B   (T  A `⇒ B) λ _  `X (ε  A) B)

  open Terms Σλam

  _⊢_ : (Γ : Ctxt)  Typ  Set
  Γ  T = Tm Γ T

  var : ∀{Γ T}  T `∈ Γ  Γ  T
  var k = `var k

  app : ∀{Γ S T}  Γ  (S `⇒ T)  Γ  S  Γ  T
  app {S = S} f s = `op (inj₁ (S , sc f , sc s))

  abs : ∀{Γ S T}  (Γ  S)  T  Γ  (S `⇒ T)
  abs {S = S}{T = T} b = `op (inj₂ (S , T , refl , sc b))

  -- ** Substitution

  str : Terms.Strength Σλam
  str {Δ = Δ} fmap (inj₁ tm) = fmap (raiseW Δ) tm
  str fmap (inj₂ k) = var (injectW _ k)

  open Subst str

  subst⊢ : ∀{Γ Δ T}  Γ  T  (∀{T}  T `∈ Γ  Δ  T)  Δ  T
  subst⊢ tm ρ = sub ρ tm

  -- ** Example

  tm1 : ε  (`■ `⇒ `■)
  tm1 = abs (var ze)

  tm2 : (ε  (`■ `⇒ `■))  (`■ `⇒ `■)
  tm2 = abs (app (var (suc ze)) (var ze))

  tm3 : ε  (`■ `⇒ `■)
  tm3 = subst⊢ tm2 ρ
    where ρ : ∀{T}  T `∈ (ε  (`■ `⇒ `■))  ε  T
          ρ ze = tm1
          ρ (suc ())

  test : tm3  abs (app (abs (var ze)) (var ze))
  test = refl