{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}

module IProp where

open import Level

open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product

open import Data.Nat

open import Category.Applicative
open import Category.Applicative.Indexed

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.TrustMe

-- 1. We define a sub-universe of irrelevant proofs:

infixr 1 ⊢_
data ⊢_ {l : Level}(X : Set l) : Set l where
  pf : .X   X

{- BAD:
≡-relevant : {A : Set} {a b : A} → ⊢ a ≡ b → a ≡ b
≡-relevant a≡b = trustMe

Applicative⊢ : RawApplicative ⊢_
Applicative⊢ = record { pure = pf
                      ; _⊛_ = _⊛_ }
    where _⊛_ : {A B : Set}   (A  B)   A   B
          (pf f)  (pf a) = pf (f a)

open RawIApplicative Applicative⊢ public

-- 2. We postulate extensionality in there:

  extensionality : {A : Set}{B : A  Set}{f g : (a : A)  B a} 
                   ((x : A)   (f x  g x))   (f  g)
-- 3. ???

-- 4. We *have* proof irrelevance:

pf-irrelevance : {A : Set}
                 (a :  A)(b :  A)   (a  b)
pf-irrelevance (pf _) (pf _) = pf refl

-- 5. This encapsulated notion of equality is substitutive 
--    (it better has to)

trans⊢ : {A : Set}{a b c : A}   (a  b)   (b  c)   (a  c)
trans⊢ (pf x) (pf y) = pf (trans x y)

trans⊢' : {A : Set}{a b c : A} → ⊢ (a ≡ b) → ⊢ (b ≡ c) → ⊢ (a ≡ c)
trans⊢' x y = pure trans ⊛ x ⊛ y

subst⊢ : {A B : Set}(P : A  Set){x y : A}   (x  y)   (P x)   (P y)
subst⊢ f (pf x≡y) (pf Px) = pf (subst f x≡y Px)

cong⊢ :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}
       (f : A  B) {x y}   (x  y)   (f x  f y)
cong⊢ f (pf x≡y) = pf (cong f x≡y)

-- 6. We prove (\x → 0 + x) ≡ (\x → x + 0)

-- intensionally:
0+x : (x : ℕ) → 0 + x ≡ x + 0
0+x 0 = refl
0+x (suc n) = cong suc (0+x n)

-- extensionally!
open Data.Nat

ext-0+x : ⊢ ((\x → 0 + x) ≡ (\x → x + 0))
ext-0+x = extensionality (\n → pf (0+x n))
-- 7. This is not OTT, just poor man's proof irrelevance:

open import Data.Bool

{- NO WAY!
⊥*-elim : {X : Set} → ⊢ ⊥ → X
⊥*-elim {X} (pf b) with ≡-relevant (pf (⊥-elim {Whatever = true ≡ false} b))
⊥*-elim (pf b) | ()

-- 'variable b is declared irrelevant, so it cannot be used here
--    when checking that the expression b has type ⊥'