Workshop program
September 30th, 2016
UPMC, Campus Jussieu, Tower 26, 1st floor
Abstracts of talks of DGDC'16 are now available here.
08h30-10h00: Session 1
- 08h30-9h15: Arnaud Casteigts, University of Bordeaux, France
"A Set Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Graphs"
- 09h15-10h00: Emmanuel Godard, University of Marseille, France
"Expressivity of TVGs: Why Dynamic Graphs should be modelled with TAs?"
10h00-10h15: Coffee break
10h15-12h30: Session 2
- 10h15-11h00: Othon Michail, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
"An Overview of Recent Progress in Temporal Graphs: An Algorithmic Perspective"
- 11h00-11h45: Eleni Akrida, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
"On temporally connected graphs and the issue of label redundancy"
- 11h45-12h30: Zvi Lotker, Ben Gurion University, Israel
"How to Explore a Fast Changing World"
12h30-13h45: Lunch break
13h45-16h: Session 3
- 13h45-14h30: Guiseppe Di Luna, University of Ottawa, Canada
Counting on Anonymous Dynamic Networks: Bounds and Algorithms
- 14h30-15h15: Mohamad Ahmadi, University of Freiburg, Germany
"Broadcasting in Dynamic Radio Networks"
- 15h15-16h00: Peter Robinson, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
"Reaching Agreement in a Dynamic Distributed System"