Assoc. Prof. HDR. Dr. Tewfik ZIADI

Associate Prof. with Habilitation*)
Head of the MoVe Research Team
LIP6 Lab, Sorbonne University
tewfik.ziadi at
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Research Interests

Selected Recent Publications

All my publications are primarily referenced on my lab page. Some of my recent publications are listed below.

  • ECSA'24 R. Mzid, I. Rezigui, T. Ziadi  : “ Attention-based Method for Design Pattern Detection“, The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2024)
  • IST'24  R. Vacheret, F. Pérez,  Ziadi , L. Hillah : “Boosting fault localization of statements by combining topic modeling and Ochiai“, Journal Information and Software Technology, vol. 173, (Elsevier) (2024)
  • Book'23 A.  R. Lopez‑Herrejon, J. Martinez, W. Guez Assunção, T. Ziadi, M. Acher, S. Vergilio : Handbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines”, (Springer Cham), (ISBN: 978-3-031-11685-8) (2023)
  • Cover of Handbook of Re-Engineering Software Intensive Systems into Software Product Lines
  • TSE'22  F. Pérez, T. Ziadi , C. Cetina : “A novel approach for Software Architecture Product Line Engineering“, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2022)
  • JSS'22  M.L. Kerdoudi, T. Ziadi , C. Tibermacine, S. Sadou : “A novel approach for Software Architecture Product Line Engineering“, Journal of Systems and Software vol. 186, pp. 111191, (Elsevier) (2021)
  • ESME'20  Th. Berger, J.‑Ph. Steghöfer, T. Ziadi , J. Robin, J. Martinez : “The State of Adoption and the Challenges of Systematic Variability Management in Industry”, Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 25, (Springer Verlag) (2020)
  • JSS'20  A. Shatnawi, A. Seriai, H. Sahraoui, T. Ziadi , A. Seriai : “ReSIde: Reusable Service Identification from Software Families”, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 170, pp. 110748, (Elsevier) (2020)
  • ISCME'20 A. Chueshev, J. Lawall, R. Bendraou, T. Ziadi  : “ Expanding the Number of Reviewers in Open-Source Projects by Recommending Appropriate Developers“, International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), (2020)
  • ICECCS'19 M. Kerdoudi, T. Ziadi , Ch. Tibermacine, S. Sadou : “Recovering Software Architecture Product Lines”, 24th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), Nansha, Guangzhou, China, pp. 226-235, (IEEE) (2019)
  • APSEC'19  A. Shatnawi, T. Ziadi , M. Mohamadi : “Understanding Source Code Variability in Cloned Android Families: an Empirical Study on 75 Families”, 2019 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Putrajava, Malaysia (2019)
  • TOOLS'19  A. Sadovykh, T. Ziadi , A. Bagnato, Th. Berger, J.‑Ph. Steghöfer, J. Robin, R. Mazo, E. Gallego : “REVaMP 2 Project: Towards Round-Trip Engineering of Software Product Lines -Approach, Intermediate Results and Challenges”, Software Technology: Methods and Tools51st International Conference, TOOLS 2019, Innopolis, Russia, October 15–17, 2019, Proceedings, Innopolis, Russian Federation (2019)
  • ESCA'19 M. Kerdoudi, T. Ziadi , Ch. Tibermacine, S. Sadou : “A Bottom-Up Approach for Reconstructing Software Architecture Product Lines”, 13th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), vol. 2, ECSA '19: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Software Architecture, Paris, France, pp. 46-49, (ACM) (2019)

  • Industrial Collaboration & Projects

    Responsabilities & Service

    Conference Program Committee Member:

    PhD Supervision



    Positions and Education



    I am responsible of many courses at Sorbonne University. Especially: