International journals
- Aymen Kamoun, Saïd Tazi, Khalil Drira. FADYRCOS, a semantic interoperability framework for collaborative model-based dynamic reconfiguration of networked services, Comput. Industry (2012), ISSN 0166-3615
National journals
- Samba Diaw, Redouane Lbath, Bernard Coulette. Etat de l’art sur le développement logiciel basé sur les transformations de modèles. Technique et Science Informatiques, Hermès Science Publications, Numéro spécial Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles, Vol. 29, N. 4-5/2010, p. 505-536, juin 2010.
International Conferences and workshops
- Samba Diaw, Redouane Lbath, Vinh Le Thai, Bernard Coulette. SPEM4MDE: a Metamodel for MDE Software Processes Modeling and Enactment. (regular paper). Proc. Workshop on Model-Driven Tool & Process Integration – Associated to ECMFA (European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications), Paris, 15/06/2010-18/06/2010, Springer, (support électronique), june 2010.
- Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Bernard Coulette, Mahmoud Nassar, Redouane Lbath, Minh Tu Ton That. Collaborative Processes in the Real World: Embracing their Essential Nature (regular paper). Proc. International Symposium on Model Driven Engineering: Software & Data Integration, Process Based Approaches and Tools. Colocated with ECMFA 2011 conference, Birmingham, 06/06/2011-07/06/2011, (support électronique), juin / june 2011.
- Wolfgang Kling, Frédéric Jouault, Dennis Wagelaar, Marco Brambilla and Jordi Cabot: MoScript: A DSL for querying and manipulating model repositories. International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2011) Braga, Portugal, July 3-6, 2011.
- Samba Diaw, Redouane Lbath, Bernard Coulette. Specification and Implementation of SPEM4MDE, a metamodel for MDE software processes (regular paper). Proc. International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), Miami – USA, 07/07/2011-09/07/2011, KnowledgeSystemsInstitute, (support électronique), july 2011.
- Cauê Clasen, Frédéric Jouault, Jordi Cabot. VirtualEMF: a Model Virtualization Tool. ER 2011 Workshops – 30th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Oct 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
- Hugo Brunelière, Grégoire Dupé “Virtual EMF – Transparent Composition, Weaving and Linking of Models” EclipseCon Europe 2011. Nov 2011, Ludwigsburg, Germany
- Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Minh Tu Ton That, Bernard Coulette, Redouane Lbath, Hanh Nhi Tran, Mahmoud Nassar. A tool-supported approach for process modeling: application to collaborative processes (regular paper). Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2011), Hochiminh City, 05/12/2011-08/12/2011, IEEE Conference Publishing Services, december 2011
- M.A. Almeida da Silva, X. Blanc and R. Bendraou, ” Deviation Management during Process Execution”, in proceedings of the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), Novemvre 2011, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
- M.A. Almeida da Silva, R. Bendraou, J. Robin, and X. Blanc ” Flexible Deviation Handling during Process Enactment “, in proceedings of the Fifteenth IEEE International Enterprise and Distributed Computing Conference & Workshops (EDOCW 2011), August 2011, Helsinki, Finland
- R. Bendraou , R. Elbath , B. Coulette, and M-P. Gervais, Proceedings of the Process-Centred Approaches for Model-Driven Engineering workshop(PMDE) – First Edition. ECMFA 2011 : 383-384
- Reda Bendraou, Marcos Aurélio Almeida da Silva, Marie-Pierre Gervais, and Xavier Blanc, Support for deviation detections in the context of multi-viewpoint-based development processes. To appear in CAiSE Forum 2012, 24nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Gdansk, Poland, June 2012
- Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Bernard Coulette, Redouane Lbath, Mahmoud Nassar. Modeling Ad-hoc Collaboration for Automated Process Support (short paper). Software Quality Days (SWQD 2012), Vienna, 17/01/2012-19/01/2012, Springer, (support électronique), january 2012.
- Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Redouane Lbath, Bernard Coulette, Mahmoud Nassar, Laurent Baresse, Florin Racaru. Supporting collaborative development using process models: an integration-focused approach (regular paper). International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP 2012), Zürich, 02/06/2012-03/06/2012, IEEExplore digital library.
- Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Redouane Lbath, Bernard Coulette, Mahmoud Nassar. Exploiting Process Events for the Integration of Collaborative Software Development Tools. In : Journal of Software Engineering, Science Alert, New York – USA, 2012 (to appear)
National conferences and workshops
- Redouane Lbath, Bernard Coulette. IRIT-MACAO Works on Software Processes and MDE. Process Day, Paris, 23 juin 2010.
- Cauê Clasen, Frédéric Jouault, Jordi Cabot : Virtual Composition of EMF Models. 7ème journée sur l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM 2011) Lille, France, June 7-8, 2011.
- Bernard Coulette, Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Mahmoud Nassar, Redouane Lbath. Vers un méta-modèle pour la description des processus IDM collaboratifs. Actes Journées sur l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM 2011), Hermès, (support électronique), Lille, 7-8 juin 2011.
- Mahmoud El Hamlaoui, Bernard Coulette, Sophie Ebersold, Mahmoud Nassar. établissement de liens entre modèles hétérogènes. Illustration par un cas d’étude (short paper). Conférence en Ingénierie du Logiciel (CIEL 2012), Rennes, 19/06/2012-21/06/2012, (support électronique).
Research reports
- Komlan Akpédjé Kedji, Bernard Coulette. Definition of collaborative processes for model driven engineering – State of the art. Rapport de recherche, IRIT/RR-2011-3-EN, IRIT, février 2011.