Work Package

WP1 : Foundations and technical objectives

The general goal of WP1 is to situate the Galaxy project in its context. For this purpose, we will establish goals and metrics that will be used to characterize and assess Model Driven Collaborative Development (MDCD) of complex systems. This result will serve as a guideline for the state of the art related to existing research works and approaches used in industry, and also as requirements for the following work packages. After the state-of-the-art, a reference glossary shared by all the partners of the project will be elaborated. This glossary will contain a precise definition of technical terms that will be used all along the project, taking into account the definitions found in the literature and in comparable projects.

D1.1 Goal and metrics document

D1.2.1 State of the art

D1.2.2 Galaxy glossary



WP2 : Conceptual model for MDCD

The WP2 aims at defining (1) the concept of collaborative unit, (2) the mechanism of collaborative unit synchronization (3) the mechanism of model driven team communication and (4) a process model for Model Driven Collaborative Development that provides a way to use these concepts efficiently.

This WP2 will provide concrete specification of those four issues and will define an open and flexible architecture for collaborative model driven development.

D2.1 Collaborative Unit Definition part1

D2.1 Collaborative Unit Definition part2

D2.2 Synchronization mechanism

D2.3 Model Driven Team Communication

D2.4.1 Collaborative MDE Process Modelling



WP3: Transformations with large and/or numerous models

To study the transformation of models consisting of a large number of model elements, and scenarios involving many models and many transformations.

D3.1-Model Views Conceptual Approach

D3.2-Megamodel for Transformations Architecture



WP4: Galaxy distributed work support prototype

The WP4 will implement the Galaxy notions and mechanisms identified in WP2 and in WP3. The implemented prototypes will be validated by the WP5 case studies. The tools will be supported all along the use cases implementation.

D4.5.1 Model views prototype

D4.5.2 Megamodel for transformations prototype



WP5: Case study implementation and validation

The WP5 aims at implementing different scenarios using the Galaxy architecture and providing means to validate the proof of concept.

The scenarios implementation will consist in designing and developing simulated environments as closed from the real conditions as possible. An evaluation process will then be led based on metrics, measures, goals and any other available evidences. The collected data will then be analyzed with the purpose to validate the overall Galaxy architecture and concepts. In particular, these data will help to verify that the Model Driven Collaborative Development process has been correctly applied.


FTP Access

Reference Area

Akka Prototype

Softeam Prototype